Ok, so I've been smokin for quite a while. Where I live (I'm not sure it's like this in other regions) everyone either smokes chronic or mec. A lot of people who smoke chron refuse to smoke mec, becuase they believe it is "below them." But, no matter how many people I ask, I've never gotten a sure answer as to what the difference is. I've heard a few ideas: 1)Chronic is hydroponically grown, while mec is not, 2) Mec is just crappy weed (being from Mexico, hence the name), while chron is high grade shit, 3) One is indica, and the other is sativa, 4) Chron is sinsemilla, having been seperated before having a chance to pollinate, while mec is stuff that's been pollinated and germinated. #2 was the first one I heard, and the one that I think is probably right. But I've smoked some mec before that I would say was pretty good. Does someone have a sure answer for me?
Every area has different slang, the only weed I've heard called chronic is weed + coke joint. I'd assume it means good weed and bad weed, we have Krip and Regs in florida. Krip is normally fluffy, light green, crystals, and it gets yo u ALOT higher then regs. Regs are compacted, burns fast, smells different, tastes different, doesn't get you as high. There's alot of kids out here that refuse to smoke regs and they spend all their money on krippy (I'm a straight up mexi-brick smoker)
we got chronic, which is the best weed. Dank which is great but not chronic, and normal orange haired shit, no mids though
^i just yelled fuck yeah when i read that and got yelled at by my mom haha for me you got the strains (purple haze, white rhyno, chronic) then dank which is undisinguishable (to name the strain i mean) but still good, then mids which usually comes slacked but is the most common, and then shwag. i got some purple haired shit while i was just on vacation and man that shit had me melting into the sofa
haha exactly heres your case: you have 1. American Grown Hydoponic/outdoor 2.mexican Grown most likely outdoor u dont Have Sativa, chronic etc. When u are buying from the 10th guy to sell that weed, u dont have a Strand anymore. WAKE UP PPL U DONT HAVE PURE STRANDS, uhg, pissin me off comin to this forum everyday seein people post up about their "strands"
Dude, that's fuckin funny! cept for being yelled at...either way, good for you for havin a sense of humor!