Did he tell you it was good or bad to masturbate and if so, how has that shaped your own thoughts on doing it?
Sex of any kind was never discussed in my household. I got the “talk” when I was about 8. It was a book with carton drawings of bees pollinating flowers, then how dogs make puppies, and finally how babies are made. Nothing instructional. I was left with the impression that a man peed in a woman’s ass. That was in the early/mid-70’s.
I went to catholic high school. We were taught that if I guy ejaculates on the other side of the room, it would quickly slither over to the girl and get her pregnant. Fortunately, I went to a public school my senior year and met the first love of my life.
Not a peep. Not even the "talk." Kind of discovered masturbation by accident. Figured out the rest by experimenting with the help of some curious girls.
Nobody talked in my family. It was a taboo. Actually the genital part was the dirtiest section of a body which no one was ready to talk about . I worked as a parttime job when I was 12. Onr day I went with another guy who was older than me to a new cunstracted building for plumbing. No body was there but us. He told me if I liked to know how to masturbate he is ready to teach me and he did . Since that time up to now I do masturbation thanks to him.
Almost identical for me, except I didn't get the talk until later, when my mom found a Playboy tucked away in my room. Folks sat me down one evening with a religious based sex-ed book. I was clueless. I thought a woman got pregnant just by being in the same bed with her husband. Eggs/sperm/orgasms were science fiction to me. I thought the same thing......the guy pees in the gal. I went to bed that night more confused than ever. A few days later I was showering and the spray hit my cock just right and it felt good. Stood there and started getting hard. After a bit I soaped up and started stroking.......this felt really good. Suddenly I had my first orgasm, and it scared me to death. Once I settled down I realized that's what the book and my parents were talking about. Later that night in bed I did it again......and the rest is history.
Never mentioned in my family, although, to be honest, I never mentioned it to my sons when they were growing up. It is one of those things that you do not need much instruction !
Not a word. Though he did suggest I read a Readers Digest magazine that had an article about sex. That was the extent of any guidance or knowledge he shared with me regarding sex.
Ditto here. To be honest I can't remember how I learned about masturbation. Probably discovered it on my own.
Sex was never discussed by my parents, well only the occasional comment that expressed their dislike for some persons actions. I was lucky in that my mum's sister was much more open to talking about things, so when I found out about this thing called masturbation, from friends at school, she was the one who I talked to about it.
My father told me that it was a bad thing to do when he thought he caught me in the bath, so I have struggled with guilt for many years about something that I enjoy doing.
My dad didn't. But my mom made the comment after walking in on me once, " Everyone fucks off now and then!" Probably the only time I ever heard her say the word " Fuck " that I can remember.