I am talking about the good stuff. M 16s, rapid fire shotguns, etc. . Now he did the same for terrorists throughout middle east over the years. Seems he is not satisfied with having the middle east in a state of unending warfare. But is now doing what he can to create the same here in North America. What on earth is this nut up to. Is he purposely trying to create as much havoc as possible throughout the entire world ? Here is what wikipedia has to report about this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ATF_gunwalking_scandal And The L.A. Times report here: http://www.latimes.com/news/nationw...rious-sg,0,3828090.storygallery#axzz2kf9MJ5Qv So, while our President sets about arming the worlds terrorists and most dangerous criminals he is also devoted to DISARMING Americans. That`s right. Most especially disarming America`s war veterans. And do YOU still trust this guy, Obama ? Also, The Mexican Government is understandably plenty pissed off about this. They have to deal with it far more than the US does. Read about that here: http://frontpagemag.com/2012/joseph...and-furious-and-the-massacre-of-mexican-kids/ Over 300 Mexican murders tied to US provided weapons. So CHICKEN HAWK Obama [ he never even bothered to register for the draft and surely never served in armed forces ] seems to delight in wreaking havoc around the World. ...Oscar
I don't really understand where you guys all get the idea that Obama is coming for your guns. Wanting to have background checks and limit magazine size is not taking your guns away. Even banning assault rifle style weapons would not be 'taking your guns', just specifying which guns are available for purchase.
It would be taking mine. Anyway, I am pretty sure you know where I stand on all this and why I think limits on magazine size and what types of guns citizens can purchase hurt our liberty
I agree with you, even though I've never owned a firearm. But it certainly doesn't help our cause people running around saying Obama is trying to repeal the second ammendment.
I think the idea was to ban the sale of them, not to remove them from people who already own them, but I'm not really sure.
Definitely does not help your cause. Any time someone feels the need to lie in order to try and win an argument or sway someone's opinion, it immediately looks like they have such a weak argument that they have to make things up, despite that in many cases a good argument can be made with nothing but truth. I mean, just look at the Obama bashers. They make up so much fake bullshit about him when there is more than enough real information to make the case that he is a bad president. It seems more and more to me that in US politics nobody is actually trying to change opinions. The support is roughly 50/50 between the Democrats and Republicans, so now the winner is just whoever can get their side pissed off enough to actually get out and vote.