March 2021: This shit may have been a lot more dangerous or at least somewhat more dangerous than I initially knew. It was sold to me as Acid and despite Writer's pinned post, I never had heard about NBOME before. I do not recall a bitter taste, however, but whatever it was, it was fucking good!! I'm just glad I didn't look up more about it while on the drug, because the guy who sold it to me didn't decide to inform me that it might be NBOME until I was already tripping. If I had read about the occasional deaths on this then I may have really freaked out. Anyway, I only took 1 hit on two weekends in a row. The first week had some memorable experiences, but it was the second trip that truly sticks out in my memory. I opened the canister around Midnight on a Saturday night and a small little voice in my head said, "Don't do it. You could die this time." I ignored this rather quickly, and again I still had no idea about that it could possibly be NBOME, so I didn't see anything to worry about. I was going to take Acid! I decided to pop it in my mouth and only sucked on it for maybe ten minutes tops before swallowing it. Wonder if I would have tripped even harder than I did if I sucked on it longer. But as I am sucking on it I put on Max Headroom on VHS with the lights off. Wow, this movie was PERFECT to come up on. The previous week, I came up to my all time favorite movie, Altered States, which also was a memorable experience because you literally start coming up hard the moment that he starts tripping balls in the cave in Mexico with the tribe. The timing is impeccable. But yeah, this weekend was Max Headroom, and damn I highly recommend it for a Psychedelic accompaniment. One strange aspect that happened is I started getting a lot of anxiety at a point in the movie when the wiz kid developer says something about how you could spontaneously combust from overheating or something. Again, good thing I had no idea I was possibly on NBOME, as I later read that you LITERALLY can overheat on it and die. This stuff had some sort of "Jungle" element to it. Or like a more earthy, shroomy version of LSD. The guy I got it from said it's the closest thing to Mescaline you can get without doing actual Mescaline. Not sure if anyone can vouch for this as I have never done Mescaline myself. But a lot of invisible, "jungle" waves were coming into my perception. At one point I had Alan Watts on my laptop playing through some external speakers. I was wandering around the room and suddenly Watts' voice sped up extremely fast, as if you were fast-forwarding a tape or dragging a needle fast across a vinyl record. It was a shocking experience that I still can't quite understand. It didn't happen in "real life" in the actual video. But it happened nonetheless. His voice reached this warp speed quantum jump. It felt like a Psychedelic "ripple" through spacetime, which could also be described as my mind going through a "ripple" of processing external phenomenon. I started to get a bit freaked out as I sat down and continued to listen to Alan Watts. I heard some strange buzzing coming through the speakers, as if a radio signal was being tuned into. The more I focused on it, the more there seemed to be some strange interaction, and it felt absolutely foreign to the actual video of Alan Watts. I have gone through this before, but it was especially apparent this time. I got a bit of an Extraterrestrial vibe, as if I had stumbled onto some frequency that was foreign to my usual plane, as if I had just accidentally walked too close to a Fox nest or a Beehive. It felt as if I stumbled onto some Cosmic territory and whatever invisible presence that was there was a bit disturbed by my arrival and was wondering what I was doing there. Then I went outside on the back porch with a coffee. I was listening to the birds chirp as the sun was coming up, and again the more I focused my Consciousness on the birds, they started chirping in a unified, somewhat disturbed tone. I focused the intensity even more, and they got even more erratic and jumpy. Then, suddenly, I hear a very foreign "chirp" or "siren" at a close distance away from the other birds. I have no idea what this was, and overall got the sense that neither did the other animals. It literally had this foreign sense, as if I had dialed into some signal that wasn't usually on-line in this realm. I wasn't hallucinating. It was a as clear as any other sounds I was hearing, except FOREIGN in nature. I had never heard it before, and have never heard it since. It feels directly linked to the foreign radio signal that I was picking up through my speakers in the basement. It was very distinct, and loud, and was not anything manmade, but was not an animal that I could recognize either. I didn't have any visuals that I could relate to it, but could hear it clearly, and so could the other animals, and they seemed to be disturbed by it. The more I focused on it, the more intense it got, and then when I would release my mental focus and relax a bit, it seemed to chill out more, and so did the other animals seem to relax. It was like dialing up and down some sort of invisible dial. I truly feel that Psychedelics literally expand your frequencies, and access you to parallel realms and planes that are always there but that are usually dormant to this 3D reality. I felt that I had accessed some sort of Psychedelic Extraterrestrial Jungle that night. I could write more but what has stayed with me is the Quantum jump experience and then also the strange frequency and presence that I seemed to have tapped into while on this drug.
NBOMe chemicals usually have a strong taste and there is some debate on whether or not they are orally active. Most people say they are not orally active and you have to dose sublingual or buccally (through the cheek/gums). I have seen NBOMe on larger than normal blotters, but I’ve also seen them on regular 1/4” blotters like LSD I would guess that this wasn’t NBOMe but obviously I can’t tell for sure