Did Big Pharma Influence Colorado’S Decision To Reject Medical Marijuana For Ptsd?

Discussion in 'Cannabis Activism' started by DdC, Jul 26, 2015.

  1. DdC

    DdC Member

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    Did Big Pharma Influence Colorado’s Decision to Reject Medical Marijuana for PTSD?
    By Maureen Meehan · Thu Jul 23, 2015

    (Photo Courtesy of Everyday Health)

    Last week the Colorado Board of Health once again rejected the proposal to add post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to the list of conditions for which medical marijuana can be prescribed—in contrast to Washington State where the herb is expected to be approved for PTSD treatment on Friday.

    The Colorado board cited a lack of sufficient scientific evidence proving pot is effective for PTSD, despite experts’ evidence to the contrary.

    According to the Olympian, in 2013, the American Journal of Public Health reported that suicides among men ages 20-39 were reduced by an average of 10.8 percent in states that have legalized medical marijuana compared to states that do not. In addition, a 2014 study by New Mexico psychiatrist Dr. George Greer concluded that marijuana provided relief for PTSD symptoms in 75 percent of patients in a controlled study.

    Arizona physician, Dr. Sue Sisley, the leading pot and PTSD researcher, has her suspicions about what went on behind the scenes in Colorado. More than 50 speakers gave testimony, only two in opposition to the proposal—and yet it did not pass.

    “Several members who voted ‘no’ cited the fact that APA and other organized medicine groups oppose this initiative,”Sisely said, as reported by Westword. “I am concerned that these organized medicine groups are heavily influenced by Big Pharma. Obviously, Pharma has a vested interest in suppressing these initiatives because they have the potential to harm their ‘business model.’”

    “It's surprising how many thousands of veterans are using it on the black market and just can't come out of the shadows,” she told the Olympian. “I feel we have a duty to these veterans to study this in a vigorous way.”

    Meanwhile, two-tour Iraq vet, Andrew Collins, 30, told the Olympian that he has stopped using a cocktail of 17 prescription drugs because medical marijuana has helped him cope with the psychological trauma he carries around—trauma that at times has filled his head with aggression and suicidal thoughts.

    “I smoke a joint and the thoughts are gone,” Collins said.


    Marijuana Legalization 2015: PTSD And Cannabis
    -- Can Researchers Cut Through The Politics To Find Out Whether Weed Works?

    Colorado rejects reject PTSD as ailment eligible for medical pot

    Pot-pioneering Colorado rejects marijuana as PTSD treatment

    * Warning Poison
    * Number of people that die each year = 0
    * Antidote = Coffee

    Drug Worriers preferred methods of treatment…
    Discontinuation: Do not stop taking without first talking to your healthcare provider. Stopping suddenly can cause serious problems. delusions, dementia, lack of feeling or emotion, thoughts of killing oneself, confusion, shakiness, lack of emotion, loss of memory, Behavior change similar to drunkenness, convulsions, (seizures), changes in patterns and rhythms of speech, clumsiness or unsteadiness, difficulty with coordination, shakiness and unsteady walk, feeling sad or empty, inability to sit still, difficulty with concentration, drowsiness, mood or behavior changes, very stiff (rigid) muscles, high fever, sweating, confusion, fast or uneven heartbeats, feeling like you might pass out; agitation, hallucinations, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite…

    11 Major Drug Companies Raked in $85 Billion Last Year, and Left Many to Die Who Couldn't Buy Their Pricey Drugs
    The public is being robbed.


    Ganja 4 PTSD & Depression
    ☮ Maine PTSD Sufferers Qualify for Medical Marijuana
    ☮ Republican State Senator Kimberly Yee blocks PTSD study
    ☮ Why are Soldiers Dying in Their Sleep?
    ☮ Veterans for Medical Marijuana Access
    ☮ Military Veterans Say Pot Eases PTSD
    ☮ Veterans Form Pro-Legal Marijuana Group
    ☮ VA prescribes/opposes addictive drugs for PTSD
    ☮ Why U.S. Vets Are Fighting for Medical Marijuana
    ☮ Cannabis, the Importance of Forgetting
    ☮ Many Veterans are the Enemy in the D.E.A.th War

    Getting High Would Be Legal If It Weren't For THIS

  2. DdC

    DdC Member

    Likes Received:
    The 50-Year-Old Agreement Preventing Marijuana from Treating PTSD

    “The only reason that this extra review process exists is to prevent research that could make marijuana into a federally approved prescription medicine,” Brad Burge of MAPS tells me.


    Potent Pill Puts PTSD in Past;
    Prevents Plenty of Problems, Possibly Preferable to Pot?

    New pills to augment the effects of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) could help overcome combat stress, scientists hope Photo: PA

    On Afghan War 11th Anniversary,
    Vets Confront Mental Health Crisis, Soldier Suicides and Violence

    Israel’s state-run medical marijuana program

    PTSD Patients Marginalized by the Current Healthcare System

    Ibogaine And PTSD Treatment

    Barnes for Congress raising PTSD Awarness.

    PTSD and the Paratrooper

    The Necessity of Bearing Witness: from War Crimes, to PTSD, to Peace


  3. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    You can't patent a plant thus big pharma has no interest in weed. Marinol is ok because it can be patented but most medical users say it's not the same.
  4. DdC

    DdC Member

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    You can't patent a plant thus big pharma has no interest in weed.

    Fat Pharma trolls couldn't have said it any better.

    Marinol is ok because it can be patented but most medical users say it's not the same.

    OK as in bullshit. They have a patent on eCB/s. Marinol was a sabotage move to ward off cannabis for wasting syndrome and delta9 to ward off inexperienced. Crappy buzz. It is clearly not the same. But then public research has been banned since 1974 and to this day doctors are not taught the ECS in Med School.


    Patients for Medical Cannabis

    Adequate and Well-Controlled Studies Proving Medical Efficacy of Cannabis Exist but Are Ignored by Marijuana Schedulers

    “Cannabinoids have been found to have antioxidant properties, unrelated to NMDA receptor antagonism. This new found property makes cannabinoids useful in the treatment and prophylaxis of wide variety of oxidation associated diseases, such as ischemic, age-related, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.The cannabinoids are found to have particular application as neuroprotectants, for example in limiting neurological damage following ischemic insults, such as stroke and trauma, or in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and HIV dementia.”

    Alzheimer’s Caused By Loss of Cannabinoids, Study Shows

    US Government’s medical marijuana patent
    It makes you wonder why the U.S. government is so unwilling to admit that marijuana has some valid medical properties. It seems unlikely that there is a popularity issue, especially when 60% of Americans believe that doctors should be allowed to prescribe marijuana. Maybe there are some lobbyists or bigwig campaign contributors that would get a little upset.


    You can't patent a plant, that's what prohibitions are for. Thanks to Cliarence Thomas they can patent seeds. Many more where that came from. The 50's and 60's cold war. Obama hasn't changed one damn thing. He isn't enforcing the CSA in some states. He can remove it as the proper thing to do. Or lower it to a schedule fat pharma can sell it while prohibition continues. Next election even the dispensaries will be in jeopardy because the law still bogusly stands. I have never experienced a more civilized environment, with dozens of choices and strains and its delivered and paid with a CC. It has been proven a success in spite of government obsticles and penalties still existing. Banks and Taxes. Zoning laws and farming it out to Fish and Game to remove the plants without arrests. Big Pharma has interest in more Billions in profit or shelving any weed products in competition with their white powder crap. Which is what prohibition is designed to do, Hemp, GanjaRx or for relaxing. Keeps it off the market shelves or higher import prices.

    Is The DEA Legalizing THC?

    So, in other words, if a pharmaceutical product contains THC extracted from the marijuana plant, that would be a legal commodity. But if you or I possessed THC extracted from the marijuana plant, that would remain an illegal commodity.

    Wait, it gets even more absurd.

    Since the cannabis plant itself will remain illegal under federal law, then from whom precisely could Big Pharma legally obtain their soon-to-be legal THC extracts? There’s only one answer: The federal government’s lone legally licensed marijuana cultivator, The University of Mississippi at Oxford, which already has the licensing agreements with the pharmaceutical industry in hand.

    If the Feds Get Their Way, Big Pharma Could Sell Pot --
    But Your Dime Bag Would Still Send You to Jail

    We should be very wary about the DEA allowing regulation and marketing of pharmaceutical products containing plant-derived THC.

    US Government Patents Medical Pot

    The Counterculture Colonel

    Con Flicts of Interest Bush Barthwell & Bayer
    US investors piled into GW Pharmaceuticals yesterday amid excitement over the prospects for an American launch of its revolutionary cannabis-based treatment for multiple sclerosis. Health regulators have sent an uncompromising message that smoked cannabis will not be approved for use by MS sufferers, leaving the way open for GW's under-the-tongue spray version of the drug.

    21 May 2003 - Bayer and GW Pharmaceuticals
    announce marketing agreement on pioneering new cannabis-based treatment

    The man who secretly (and legally) grows 20 tonnes of cannabis a year
    Justin Gover, boss of GW Pharmaceuticals, explains how a drug called Sativex can ease the pain of multiple sclerosis sufferers – if the NHS can afford to buy it


    US Government Patents Medical Pot July 3, 2008
    US Patent 6630507 – Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants

    Big Pharma Set to Take Over Medical Marijuana Market
    Meanwhile, state-licensed medical marijuana dispensaries that provide relief for thousands of Americans are under attack by other federal agencies.

    Vested Ignorance

    This is the status quo Prohibitionists fighting as hard as the Church and the DEA. Job Security.

    * Warning Poison
    * Number of people that die each year = 0
    * Antidote = Coffee

    Drug Worriers preferred methods of treatment…
    Discontinuation: Do not stop taking without first talking to your healthcare provider. Stopping suddenly can cause serious problems. delusions, dementia, lack of feeling or emotion, thoughts of killing oneself, confusion, shakiness, lack of emotion, loss of memory, Behavior change similar to drunkenness, convulsions, (seizures), changes in patterns and rhythms of speech, clumsiness or unsteadiness, difficulty with coordination, shakiness and unsteady walk, feeling sad or empty, inability to sit still, difficulty with concentration, drowsiness, mood or behavior changes, very stiff (rigid) muscles, high fever, sweating, confusion, fast or uneven heartbeats, feeling like you might pass out; agitation, hallucinations, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite…

    11 Major Drug Companies Raked in $85 Billion Last Year, and Left Many to Die Who Couldn't Buy Their Pricey Drugs
    The public is being robbed.

  5. xenxan

    xenxan Visitor

    Until the borders are closed, permanently, the Gov't will not legalize Ganja. Why? Well because the cartels are the #1 supplier of street Ganja and the Gov't cannot make a profit until the Mexican border is closed and the cartels cannot "get in." Then the Gov't can negotiate with the cartels to sell it to them at a certain rate then charge us a 1000% increase. Much like Opium out of Afghanistan. Then when the Gov't tires of the cartels, they invade Columbia and take over the south american plantations.

    Truthfully and what I said could be realistic but it is all about money and Big Pharma will not loose its profits.
  6. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Any question that asks about influence by one group or another when MONEY is at stake, has to be somewhat facetious. Whomever has the most to gain by throwing money at an issue will do so. Money now determines elections, and laws passed, with the resulting opposite (usually) result of the will of the citizens geting shot down. Hemp and weed obviously included. The price of medicine also.
  7. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    Americans don't want Mexican weed it is shit. Our goverment definitely makes deals with them to look the other way for other drugs to come but only broke high school kids are buying their dirt weed. They just plant acres of it and don't bother to cull the males or any of that. Then they spray it with chemicals to add weight and slap kilos of it on the back of someone who sneaks it over.

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