Sending unsolicited dick pics is now illegal in Texas, and could result in a $500 fine Key word being 'unsolicited' dick pic. At first, I thought this would be an unfair law. That if a woman had an explicit pic of her ex-boyfriend on her phone, she could use this against him as a form of revenge porn that could get him in trouble. But then I realized that the police could simply look at the text message history to find out whether or not the dick pic was requested or unsolicited to determine the ruling. Sending unwanted body shots is a form of indecent exposure. So I support this law. I never understood why so many guys send dick pics thinking that the chick is gonna be seduced by it.
Hmm, but what if one's Skype/Istagram/Snapchat/email is hacked? How would one tell if it is the Tallywackell in question? "Calling Miss Ballbreaker"
I wonder if the size of fine will depend on the size of Dick For instance if a bloke sends a sad limp Dick of around 3 inches, then perhaps this would warrant a 200 dollar fine. Perhaps a 4 inch limp limp might Get a 300 dollar fine. But perhaps a big nine inch stiffie Donger might warrant the full 500 dollars. If it were me caught like that, I would likely be fined 1,000 dollars and thrown in jail for a month! Lol!
No, no, no. The fine should be significantly more for pictures of limp little things. More still for lack of grooming. No fines for beautiful well groomed, erect penises.
a part of me really wants to anonymously mail a whole bunch of dick pictures to the texas police now.
To date, nobody has been able to get an accurate count of the number of dickheads in Texas, but the entire state resembles the third world in the sense the major urban areas starkly contrast with the rural, like stepping into another century. About ten years ago, I think, two guys were convicted of dragging a black man behind their pickup using a bull chain. They killed him and didn't even have a clue as to who he was. Dickheads pass dickhead laws.
It'll probably shock you to know but A very high % of people who are killed are not known to the murderer.
Most of those are things like drug deals gone bad, but these guys did it just for fun. They are dogs who have been let run wild for too long. Technology will show them exactly what kind of dogs they are.