Looking for another u-tube video by Desmond Morris , i ran across this one last night. Elephants are taught to paint with their trunks. I have a book here called Cats who paint, and shows them painting and how they do it and their paintings.....I know there are some birds that make beautiful shows of a nest trying to entice a mate...and will grab colorful objects not needed for the nest but just for display,. that is art,as well..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhIR_EAB27Y
Iwonder if these elephants really enjoy doing this, or are they just trained monkeys to do this? Ihope they enjoy it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQv5mE42Yos
I think I read somewhere that they're trained. Not real art. Here's one source....pretty gruesome. http://www.onegreenplanet.org/animalsandnature/why-making-an-elephant-paint-is-cruel-not-cute/