I set you this challenge to describe to me how the internet works in one paragraph. Lol. Can you do it?
A paragraph? I can do it in a sentence. It is a massive information dumpster, and my computer is connected to the drain hole at the bottom.
Like this: you go online. Google, Microsoft, Facebook and the NSA track what you are doing. Depending on who does the tracking you are either sold out to the highest bidder or put on a rendition flight.
Internet? Switch on! Read some unsolicited shite or other! Turn off! Curse and vow to never use the fucker again! That's how I understand that it works.
Your question made me think to reply with a quote answering your question that I saw on some TV show or movie. I cannot remember the name of the program. A person told another that that the internet was a machine that one could get access to all the information that has ever been learned. I have also heard the internet described as a way to connect with the entire world. --- Again, I cannot remember where I heard this. I can't really think of how I personally would describe.
It's Good (Education), It's Bad (Preys on the vulnerable), and far too many times =Ugly (...too many to list)