<<just shakes head sadly....>> Why oh why is he trying to piss off Disney, you know, the second greatest money maker for the state of Floriduh since drug smuggling.
He's a legend. If what he's doing is so unpopular, how will you explain his reelection come November?
Crazy fucking people voting - and the American way: the candidate spending the most money on the most obnoxious issue dodging advertisements wins !!
I knew you'd say that. So let's not give his supporters any time of day or attempt to understand their position and priorities. They aren't worth listening to, they're all just idiots who have been bamboozled.
And it just keeps rolling.......like a B movie. As bad as it is here, I can't imagine the political ads on TV in Floriduh.
Wow. All of a sudden, the love for the wonderful Disney Corporation, and its government subsidies. Any explanation for people re-locating to Florida?
I had very little respect for DeSantis, now even less since I saw him in his white rubber go go boots. Or rather, gone gone boots....