
Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Rar1013, Jan 27, 2007.

  1. Rar1013

    Rar1013 GroovaMama

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    do you wear it ?
  2. JerryWobbles

    JerryWobbles Member

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    If Im just bummin around the house, then no, but...Definetly if i go out, And always the non scented kind!
  3. NudistMike07

    NudistMike07 Member

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    For the most part I wonder sometimes if its actually practical to wear deodorant and there are actual good reasons to do so or if wearing it is just another result of social conditioning and we just do it because "everyone" else does and we're told its just the "right" thing to do.
  4. Rar1013

    Rar1013 GroovaMama

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    I shaving..i don't do that either..

    i wear deoderant at work, cause i'm a dental professional and my armpit is in people face all day!! It would be very unprofessional if I stunk badly!!!

    But, people do begin to smell offensive when the bacteria gathers under there...then it's no longer pheromones....

    I once read that antipersperant is bad....which makes sense....u need to perspire...

    so needless to say i wear a deoderant..not an antipersperant...when i work only...and it's a brand I buy from the health food store....
    i also sometimes use the salt stone dealy..

    I'm not afraid to stink just a little bit!
    ElephantButtBaby likes this.
  5. Avocado Noni

    Avocado Noni Member

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    Not as often as I used to...

    I use a crystal stone and sometimes a little bit of avalon organics deodarant. Regular deodarant has traces of aluminum in it, which is other than the best ever...
  6. Cool Spruce

    Cool Spruce Member

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    I wear the tame kinds: I'm not into wearing the heavily "masculine" scents, but neither the feminine. Thus, the scentless, or, as I say, tame kinds will do for me. But I sometimes forget to put them on. I always start out every summer day clean. I noticed long ago that the first sweaty scents off my body early in the day were nice, and I was told by others (who happened to get up close enough to notice) that it was nice, too. Later in the day, if it's hot, for whatever reason, the staleness sets in, and thus I do a bit more cleaning. I'm free enough to enjoy the fresh scents we all must emit, but I have NO use for the stale odors later on, especially after a few days, (as with those who don't bathe.) I guess you could say it's the way I am with the dirty sole thing. I keep clean there, too, but as the inevitable dirt builds up by mid day, that's removed, too. I'm trying so hard to win acceptance for the bare habits some of us practice here.
  7. mortes

    mortes Senior Member

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    I have it just incase, and also if its been a week and I haven't showered and can smell myself heavily I'll put it on if I'm around people that will care (i.e. my family) if I'm with friends, then fugg it. I don't care about smelling like what I am.
  8. benj

    benj Member

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    Deodorant, Yes. Antiperspirant, No.
    Unfortunately, I am alergic to antiperspirants. I'd love to be able to use them, but over the years I've tried different kinds, different brands. They all, after a few hours, cause a terrific itchy rash on my skin.
    It's hard to find a deodorant that is not also an antiperspirant. I currently use Jovan Musk, but it's getting almost impossible to find in stores anymore. Anyone have any suggestions?
  9. bkcmar

    bkcmar keep those feet bare

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    nope, i never wear it. i'll use patchouli oils on occasion.
    Dude111 likes this.
  10. Amontillado

    Amontillado Member extraordinaire HipForums Supporter

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    No, never.

    I have to ask, before the stuff was invented and there were TV networks to convince people that they needed it, how did the human race survive, and even have a birth rate higher than today? I'm imagining every social interaction as full of worry over whether people would find our smell obnoxious: or we'd worry over the need to smell other people. How bad was it, really? Surely it can't have been too terribly awful.

    So maybe people are going to ask if I have social problems as a non-deodorized person. The answer's no. I had a girlfriend who said "I'm glad you have a nice human smell. David [previous boyfriend] would deodorize himself to death." And then I had another girlfriend that I went on some hiking trips with. One day we were with a group where we had to walk all day in drizzle, wearing plastic raincoats and so forth, and then we met up in the evening. Someone said "My deodorant's probably letting me down by now" and my loyal lady came in with, "Amo never wears deodorant anyway". I said "Nope, never felt the need", and there was this woman there who got all confused and said (remembering shreds of her response) "I could never do that...polyester's too stressful..." Well, words not to live by, there.

    I say be loyal to your human body. Let it be what it's meant to be, and don't assume that before one human body can be close to any others, it has to be doused in chemicals, made in nasty factories owned by wicked capitalists. Just be a good hippie and say "This body is what I have. It's getting me through life, and if you'll accept mine, I'll accept yours." Who knows, we might even catch a whiff of some good human smells.
    ElephantButtBaby and Dude111 like this.
  11. bkcmar

    bkcmar keep those feet bare

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    :agree: ^^absolutely wonderfully stated!
  12. Sus

    Sus Hip Forums Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I second the agreement...great post!!!
  13. barefoothippie

    barefoothippie Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    not into any of that chemical stuff. i prefer the natural smells of the body. anyone else turned on by this too?
    Barefoot_Longhair and Dude111 like this.
  14. bkcmar

    bkcmar keep those feet bare

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    right on brother:applause:
  15. chuckf2000

    chuckf2000 Member

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    If you're going to be around me (specially on a hot humid day), please, wear it.
  16. Musikero

    Musikero Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I don't. I just make sure to take a shower every day.
  17. bongwater89

    bongwater89 Member

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    i went the longest time without wearing any deodorant recently.. but after awhile, it can get pretty bad lol... u gotta wear it every now and then, otherwise you can smell horrible. see here's my deal, i dont like to do laundry. mostly shirts, so if i wear deodorant i can rewear the shirt maybe 2-3 times, where as if i dont wear any i can't. so really its a matter of time management.. i like to smell good but, to an extent i really dont mind my body odor. just really depends i guess.
    ElephantButtBaby likes this.
  18. A Wise Monkey

    A Wise Monkey Member

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    I'm a very scent-driven person. I find that I can become very turned on or turned off by a lover's scent. I prefer the natural spice of a clean and healthy woman to the artifical olfactory masking chemicals and perfumes. It also dramatically heightens my sense of arousal and helps me to detect her level of arousal if she remains natural. The smell and taste of her sweat fresh from a night of shaking our bones makes my toes curl like nothing else. By the time this bee reaches her flower, the fragrances and flavor of her nectar send me buzzing toward bliss. The essence of musk, sweat, and sex that fill the room after we couple makes me feel as if I am floating in the clouds. To still smell her on my skin and taste her on my lips the next morning is like waking to a dream.

    I will deodorize for work and shower before an evening's activities. It's one thing to smell natural and another to smell a little too gamey.

  19. patmandu22

    patmandu22 Guest

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  20. Josephinelcajon

    Josephinelcajon Joseph

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    Depends. Going out yes definitely. Staying home mostly no unless I have an extreme workday planned at home.

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