I do not agree with our Democrat women politicians regarding their call for the resignation of Democrat Senator Al Franken. The minor things he is accused of are not comparable to the atrocious acts against women by Trump; or in the case of Roy Moore, against minors. And no Republican is suggesting that either of those perverts be removed; or in Moore's case, kept from running for office. For Republicans it is about keeping seats in the Senate and House. One of the charges lobbed against Franken is that he tried to kiss a women. That is so minor compared to what Republicans have been accused of. And there are videos and other documents to support the accusations against Trump and Moore. I wish that Franken would have refused to step down because he was right on issues that matter to women.
National Republican move against Roy Moore grows — but key Alabama Republicans are not joining in Also, doesn't excuse what Franken did
confused here. so a guy (former comedian) has a pic of himself obviously goofing around (albeit in bad taste) should be equated with a guy who wanted to fuck an underage teenager? C'mon, lets be pragmatic and realistic here... who gives a fuck what party whomever belongs to, one was joking around, the other wanted to stick his dick into a child.
I didn't equate anything. That being said, Franken has been accused of more than that. But the OP seems to be indicating that Franken should get a pass because what he did wasn't as bad as what Moore did. I say they are both deplorable and neither should get a pass.
He has no choice but to. I agree he was making an insensitive joke. "Locker room talk" if you will because what he did is how men behave when they are among other men. The sad fact is that the rules are different for everyone but Trump and anyone who gets his blessing. If he did not resign the same people who are OK with "grabbing the pussy" and 14 years olds being followed in a mall would have a melt down and consider Frankin inappropriate. Trump himself has already played this angle and his base ate it up. The evil perverted liberal who is not Christian and has no morals.
Franken fell on his sword for his party and the country. As no one is calling the Republicans to task over their support of accused child molesters and sexual predators...the Democrats are taking a calculated move to show that they are not going to put up with anything that even looks remotely suspicious. They are cleaning their house and defying the Republicans to do the same. They won't, unless the public turns on them. But as yet the Republican base is still dreaming of trickle down economics, no government, and a complete ban of all abortions and birth control. What's a few molested women along the way?
I guess the real deal here is that we can't pick and choose. We just get to realize that sexual harassment/abuse is unacceptable; even if it's kissing.
Franken is a sacrificial lamb the democrats are stabbing in the back to keep the CBC off their backs about Conyers, who actually was an egregious sexual harasser. However, Conyers is black, so forcing him from office MUST have been a racial move, right? Of course not, but since none of the black lawmakers were calling for his resignation the responsibility fell to the rest of his party. On the other side we have seen all kinds of prominent people kicked to the curb for being gross examples of male chauvinism, and not all of them politicians (Like Bill O'Reilly). Look at this creep Trent Franks, a textbook case of workplace sexual harassment AND retaliation. He belongs in jail. I have disliked Moore since the whole 10 commandments thing, it was stupid. I dislike any political figure who brings their religion to their job. But as much as I dislike him, the evidence against him isn't adding up and the woman with the yearbook now admits it was a lie. The story about him being banned from a mall is also bogus, but it's being repeated so much it SEEMS like truth (in a very Nazi-esque kind of way). I agree that democrats need to smarten up. Hillary lost for a host of reasons not the least of which was failing to effectively campaign. Seriously, she was MIA most of the time, while Trump hit nearly every state. The Clintons also screwed up with Bernie. They didn't have to play games with him, he only siphoned off a portion of the votes, but the greedy ass Clintons had to have them all. And they would have the day Bernie conceded. Instead, they rushed the process and alienated the Bernie supporters instead of winning them. I wonder how many voted for Trump to spite her. Obama should have scaled back the war on drugs, it would have helped democrats in general. And Hillary shouldn't have acted like it was her "turn" to be president. If that was true, her turn was back in 2008 and Obama took it from her.
"the woman with the yearbook now admits it was a lie." That's inaccurate. She made a note below his script to remember the date of when he wrote it.
You're right, it was Allred's attempt at slight of hand. The yearbook is still basically useless in this matter. There's no smoking gum or groping hand represented. For this to appear after 40 years is borderline ridiculous. I was a California senate page when I was a teenager and I am positive none of the senators I fetched coffee, bills and documents for would remember me today. Even though three of them wrote me recommendations. Very few of the accusations that have been popping up have enough evidence to make it to a preliminary hearing and certainly not a trial. It's all a bunch of theater and they are destroying people's reputations using the "court" of popular opinion. Otherwise known as mob mentality. I'd have more respect for these claimants if their fathers walked up and punched these political creeps back when the misdeeds allegedly occurred. Bring it up now just seems like it has a LOT more to do with politics than reality.
It seems to be a "turning of the tide"on these matters. Obviously, women have been putting up with this --well--forever. There is certainly no smoking gun on the claims of these women. No one has been caught in the act. So, just as there are a certain % of the population that steal, a certain % that kill, a certain % that will die from vaccinations---there will be some woman/women that will try and paint some poor schmuck with false allegations. It's inevitable. It appears to me that the Weinstein, Trump and Moore allegations hold some weight. My theory is that education has been so neglected as concerns the ability to critically THINK through ideas, varying postulates and outright bullshit, to determine what is right and what is wrong with given situations. Affiliations with one party or another should/would not make a whit of difference when it comes to any doubt about what has been stated by Trump and Moore. Out loud. Absolute proof? Nope. The president of the United States can at least be accused of being crass and disrespectful. Moore? Banned from a mall for hassling young females. There must have been SOME reason for that. Personally, I think neither Trump nor Moore are fit for office, but I suppose (a scary thought!) 60 million people can't be wrong. Can they? (well, I guess one was caught. That repub that was "performing a lewd act"on a man in his office.)
But none of these people are facing criminal charges, nothing wrong with being forced out of office for a morality issue. In my job, I could have been forced to resign over morals. I could choose to fight the charges in a court of law, same as any of these people, they chose to resign.
At the rate things are going, it seems like the Democrats only strategy right now is to bank on Trump fucking everything up, so they look better in comparison. Not a good idea.
Rep. James E. Clyburn is the highest ranking African American in the House and third overall. He called for Conyers resignation. You stated that I am merely pointing out that you're wrong.
Turning on men that have worked for women and liberal issues, will be a total setback for the feminist movement. They ruined those men's lives, which will end the advancements women have made for a long time to come. I will never vote for another woman, and there are many many more men like me. And there are many women that don't like feminists either. They have proven that they are willing to destroy men to advance their movement. They use their sexuality to advance their careers, wearing makeup and provocative clothes. That is sexual harassment against men. They can't be trusted any more. So many rich liberal men that have continuously donated to the democratic party, have stopped giving. The DNC is bankrupt. the GOP will outspend the dems ten to one in next years election. When Hillary and Schultz screwed Bernie out of becoming POTUS, feminists signed their death certificate.