Democrates are 'saving democracy' with no primary voting

Discussion in 'Democracy' started by TheGreatShoeScam, Jul 28, 2024.

  1. TheGreatShoeScam

    TheGreatShoeScam Members

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    In order to keep the public display of personal reaffirmation, elections were held not to please the citizens of the Soviet Union, instead, they were meant to show unity within their population. If Stalin was able to amass a large voter turnout, even though it was for one candidate, he could be viewed as a legitimate leader.[12]

    Endorsing a candidate with one's vote shows a high amount of patriotism coming from Soviet citizens because it displays commitment and satisfaction from the citizen on government policy. Anita Pisch argues that Stalin's obsession to create an almost cult-like following “Stalin came to be portrayed in a manner that suggested a dual, Christ-like nature, or deity.”[13] To have a high amount of patriotism under his rule gave him the ability to choose whatever he wanted without large repercussions.

    Even with a single candidate on the ballot, representatives could theoretically fail to get elected in the Soviet Union, but this did not happen above the lowest levels. A representative would have to keep local improvements satisfactory in order to try to gain greater than a 50% vote. Although not the definition of democracy, the Soviet people would still have the choice to keep or to basically "request" a new candidate from the Communist Party.

    Elections in the Soviet Union - Wikipedia

    A candidate needs to win 1,976 delegates, a majority of pledged delegates, in the first round of voting to lock up the Democratic nomination. Democrats have two types of delegates: Pledged, who must support the candidate voters of their state selected in the primaries and caucuses; and superdelegates, party leaders who are not committed to any candidate and cannot vote on the first ballot at the convention.

    Mr. Biden was heading into the convention with nearly 3,900 pledged delegates, but they can now vote for the candidate of their choosing. They do not have to support Harris.

    Still, Alan Clendenin of Florida, a DNC executive committee member, told CBS News on Sunday that he expects a "supermajority" of delegates to coalesce around Harris in the coming days. North Carolina's 168 delegates unanimously voted to endorse and support Harris, according to the state's Democratic Party chair.

    What is an open convention?
  2. TheGreatShoeScam

    TheGreatShoeScam Members

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    Who needs those pesky ordinary citizen primary voters anyway ?

    They might pick someone the puppet-masters don't like.

    We got delegates and "superdelegates" to pick a new candidate for us.
  3. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    The Democratic Party makes it's own rules, as does every other political party.

    They don't have to have primary votes or caucuses, they can choose anyone they want from their own party based upon any rules they care to adopt.
    That being said the Democratic primaries took place from January 23 to June 8, 2024, they're over. Biden dropped out.

    Here are the Democratic rules: 2024 Presidential Nominating Process

    As of 2022 there were 53 political parties in the U.S.
    Don't like how the Democrats pick their candidate?
    Don't join the Democratic Party.
    skip likes this.
  4. TheGreatShoeScam

    TheGreatShoeScam Members

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  5. TheGreatShoeScam

    TheGreatShoeScam Members

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    Sorry its just such a scam.


    Total votes zero.
  6. TheGreatShoeScam

    TheGreatShoeScam Members

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  7. princess peedge

    princess peedge Members

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    Question: how do we vote for the president without voting for his running mate?
    skip likes this.
  8. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    You don't.
    Before the 12th Amendment the runner up in the presidential election became the vice president.
    This meant that the president and vp were from different parties.
    In 1804 the 12th Amendment was added as Jefferson and Adams couldn't work together.

    Today the presidential candidate picks his or her VP and they run as a "ticket".
    I believe the electors cast separate ballots for each, but they always pick the president's choice.
  9. princess peedge

    princess peedge Members

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    Right, so the OP's claim is utter nonsense.
    scratcho and skip like this.
  10. Piney

    Piney Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    tjr1964 and skip like this.
  11. TheGreatShoeScam

    TheGreatShoeScam Members

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  12. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    Seems so.

    Mr. shoe guy thinks that every time a Democratic candidate drops out of the race before the convention...they have to hold another primary.
    Shoe thinks we need another primary even though the primaries ended on June 8, 2024 and to hold new primaries in all the states would take months.
    I think he just wants to see confusion in the Democratic party and is upset that they are backing Harris to such a large degree.
    tjr1964, scratcho, skip and 1 other person like this.
  13. TheGreatShoeScam

    TheGreatShoeScam Members

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    Why should it take months? Its a debate. That's all they had to do is have a debate. Get all the democratic candidates together and have a debate.

    After the debate have a vote. After we all saw the debate we would be ready to vote.

    I'm supposed to believe there is no contingency plan and its all just bad luck no one saw coming. No its a great big scam, there is no debating it.
  14. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    What everyone is forgetting is that Kamala IS the Vice President now. So she would be expected, as often happens in American Politics, to be the presumptive nominee even if Biden didn't run. Since they ran together, she is legitimately the presumptive until the actual convention.

    I don't hear many Dems complaining only Republicans. Hey if you're afraid Trump is gonna lose, then choose another candidate while you still can, presuming Trump would stop running (for his life, haha!)
  15. Piobaire

    Piobaire Village Idiot

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    Consider the alternative.

    Meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping on March 3rd, 2018, Trump effusively gushed; “He’s now president for life. President for life. And he’s great. I think it’s great. Maybe we'll give that a shot someday.” That “someday” is today.
    On December 5th, 2023 Trump told Sean Hannity that if elected he plans to be dictator on “day one”. 'Project 2025' (approximately 80% of Project 2025's contributing authors are Trump aides and advisors; his name appears in it 312 times), the blueprint for the next Trump administration, calls for invoking the Insurrection Act on his first day in office, allowing the U.S. military to directly attack American citizens exercising their Constitutionally guaranteed rights, solely on the whim of Trump without recourse to judicial review or Congressional oversight. Trump has threatened on numerous occasions that he will jail journalists who contradict him. Trump has threatened dozens of times that he will weaponize the Department of Justice to persecute his political enemies, including judges, prosecutors, and their families. At a Wisconsin rally on May 1st, Trump promised to give police full immunity from prosecution for violating American's civil rights.

    On June 22nd Trump stated that “You gotta get out and vote. Just this time. In four years you don't have to vote, OK? In four years don't vote, I don't care. But we'll have it all straightened out, so it'll be much different.”
    On July 26th, Trump reiterated; “Get out and vote. Just this time. You won't have to do it any more. Four more years, you know what? It'll be fixed, it'll be fine. You won't have to vote any more...Get out, you've got to get out and vote. In four years, you don't have to vote again, we'll have it fixed so good you're not going to have to vote.”
    On July 29th Trump told Laura Ingraham on Fox News that " for me, you're not going to have to do it ever again. It's true. You have to vote. After that you don’t have to worry about voting any more. I don’t care, because we’re going to fix it, the country will be fixed and we won’t even need your vote any more...”
    Don't assume that our system of checks and balances will protect us. On December 3rd 2020, Trump stated that he wasn't bound by all “...rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.” On July 1st, the Supreme Court agreed with him; ruling in Trump v. United States that Presidents enjoy absolute immunity from prosecution for any criminal acts committed while in office, and are free of Congressional restraint. For the first time in the 248 years since America rejected the divine right of kings, asserted that no one is above the law, and that government only derives legitimacy from the consent of the governed, Trump's Supreme Court has abrogated all of that and reimposed 'Rex non potest peccare'; “the king can do no wrong.”
    Regardless of whether you're Republican or Democrat, Independent or Libertarian, Conservative, Moderate, or Liberal, first and foremost you're an American, and you know in your heart of hearts that Trump's vision is not just un-American, but anti-American; that is not our America, but it's dark malevolent antithesis.

    We all have a sacred duty to preserve and pass on to our future generations the constitutional representative democracy we inherited from our forebears; “...that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth”.
    November 5th is our opportunity to do just that. If we fail, there may never be another chance.

    You're goddamned right I'm voting for Harris!
    Longzi and MeAgain like this.
  16. TheGreatShoeScam

    TheGreatShoeScam Members

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  17. TheGreatShoeScam

    TheGreatShoeScam Members

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  18. TheGreatShoeScam

    TheGreatShoeScam Members

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    I don't have cable TV are the news channels still parroting the save democracy line ?
  19. Merwinman

    Merwinman Supporters HipForums Supporter

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    Trump said he would be dictator for one day. And the Supreme Court did not say Presidents have full immunity to do whatever ever they want without repercussions. When you tell half truths about Trump and what he says you lose the argument.
  20. Piobaire

    Piobaire Village Idiot

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    SCOTUS ruled that he has absolute immunity for any "official acts" as president, and presumptive immunity for all other acts within the “outer perimeter of his official responsibility.”, setting the bar so high that presumptive immunity may be effectively absolute as well. Anyone of average intelligence wouldn't split the absolute/presumptive immunity hair and simply read that as de facto "full immunity to do whatever ever they want without repercussions". It's very similar to Judge Lewis A. Kaplan stating that "Mr Trump in fact did ‘rape’ Ms. (E.Jean) Carroll as that term commonly is used and understood."
    When someone repeatedly schoolgirl-crushes on dictators, fantasizes out loud (and on record) about being president for life and serving more than two terms, explicitly and repeatedly promises to end elections and leads a failed coup d'etat that nearly gets the second and third people in line of succession killed jokes about being "dictator for one day", yeah; he's joking...but only about the "just for one day" part.
    You're just trying to pedantically put lipstick on a pig.

    Last edited: Aug 7, 2024
    scratcho and MeAgain like this.

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