
Discussion in 'Sci-Fi Movies' started by odonII, Oct 28, 2013.

  1. odonII

    odonII O

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    Delete imagines a disaster in our all-too-fragile digital world where the web becomes dangerously self-aware with one systematic purpose, to destroy mankind. Faced with possible extinction, there is only one way out - create a second artificial intelligence, just as alive, just as intelligent and just as dangerous.
    - Written by Sonar Entertainment


    It was watchable. A little cringeworthy in places. Lots of places, actually (cliched general that is a little to patriotic for his own good etc).
    But yeah, it was alright...

    Mad general sitting down...
    (the're in the Pentagon, apparently)


    How do humans link with computers? With this, apparently...


    He's 'off the grid' but has time to go buy a Pepsi...


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