One of my best friends died a year ago at the end of January. The initial year was extremely rough, but I never dreamt about her. After a year, I wrote her mom a letter, and sense then (about a week and a half ago now) I have dreamt about my best friend 3 times. All very vague roles and stories going on, but all very obviously her. Her body, her style, her aura, everything. But my dreams have been so insanely jumbled lately that trying to record them for lucid dreaming has been impossible. I don't know if she is really trying to communicate something to me or if my brain is finally working it out because I'm getting closure. But what I do know is that while she was alive she was incredibly in touch with the universe, she pushed me alot to attempt lucid dreaming, but it was something I was ignorant to at the time and found hoaky. However, she spoke alot of astral projecting during her lucid dreams and tried to encourage me to try it. I had been trying off and on this past year but my dreams become so jumbled that organizing them onto paper is nearly impossible right when I wake up. I think what I need to do is to try some activities to calm my brain before sleep. But any of you who have any tips, keypoints, or advice to give on this it would be amazing. Do you think she might be trying to communicate with me or that my brain is just working out my loss naturally? Any and all thoughts and ideas are welcome.
I am sorry about your friend.... don't know if it is your brain working closure out or real contact. I wonder the same thing sometimes. When I dream of my dad, I really feel his presence..and feel safe, but that could just be me feeling that, too....It is the universal question, I suppose.
If this person is reaching out to you via dreams then just look at the dreams for what they are. You don't need to lucid dream to communicate. When spirits talk to us this way they will leave and impression or the dream may contain symbolism that you need to work out. Ask your friend to visit you in another dream while you are awake and do her best to tell you what she wants by telling you outright if she can or by showing you visions that will clue you in and then try to wake you up if she can right after. Write it down as soon as you wake up so you can look at it later.
I had a shared lucid dream with my brother once. It's definitely possible. I also think it has to do with closure so then again it can be your unconscious projecting your friend. I think you should explore and try to find out the purpose of the "visit". Projection or not, it might help you to move on. Also, I have to point out that organizing your dreams on paper is not necessary! You can write down keywords to your dream or draw a scene from it. It doesn't have to be elaborate at all! As long as it can serve its purpose as a reminder and help you remember what it was you dreamt about. Oh and vitamin B6 helped me IMMENSELY. It made my dreams much more vivid and longer. Good luck to you
Thank you so much! I will definitely have to start taking my B6 more! Is that any time or right before bed?
My father died five years ago today, and I have had dreams that are clearly not a visit from him. He has said and done things in this dream that he never would have said or done in waking life. Once we leave this life all of the pain and anger and hurt from this life vanish. All that remains is love and happiness. There are indeed dreams when we are in contact with departed friends and loved ones. The message is almost always some variation of "I am still alive, but not in the same way. I love you and I always will."
That's truly how I've felt about it and really in my heart that is almost the most comforting thing. I still have an incredibly difficult time knowing she is gone but I've been given a wonderful gift of a beautiful relationship with her mother. Which she would have been ecstatic about beyond words. I'm still trying to get hold of my dreams and understand them in the depth that she did within herself. Regardless of the meaning of the dream, the feeling of her aura is still more comforting than ever. <3 Bunnie
When you dream often of someone who has passed usually means that person is around you. I find this true if my dad and brother. And find it. Calming
I am going through a similar experience Bunnie. I feel so content in her energy that I can't leave home. I would like to know how you are doing. I've really struggled with the finality and the unannounced and unprepared aspect of things.
Make that 4 dreams. And not a whole lot of luck with the lucid dreaming accept for being able to become aware enough to wake myself in the case that I have a nightmare. It seems as though the more aware I become of my dreams, the less I have them (any solutions to this issue would be greatly appreciated, as I really enjoy dreaming). However, this dream last night was different from the previous dreams which she has come up in. Previously, she would simply show up and more or less hold my hand through the dream. Experiencing and seeing everything that I was seeing. However, in my dream from last night I start off at a wedding. It was quite an extravagant wedding, though I don't remember the service, I remember the reception taking place in a very large ballroom (think something like the inside of opryland hotel). Lots of people, very intense games, people brought their pets, etc. It was a wonderful celebration. And being a photographer (not THE photographer, but A photographer) I began to take photos of the party and eventually gravitate towards the animal and pets that were brought. In the process of doing this I notice off in a corner is a young, thin, dark haired woman with dark eyes, in a bright red hooded cloak. I begin to notice her everywhere I turn, instantly and silently. Part of me wants to approach her but the natural part of me doesn't like to approach people when they don't seem to want it. So I simply observe her, give her kind nonverbals and continue taking photos. I leave a short while later and get a text on my phone "You should send me some of those pictures please <3<3" That heart. Only one person sends those. And I notice whoever sent that to me, their contact in my phone is an anagram of my lost best friend. Just all the letters of her name jumbled into a new name. but I recognized it immediately. That is totally something she would do. Names were just a fun thing for her and she was really into numerology. We also happened to have the same first name, so it was always a quirky thing we played with. I woke immediately after this. My brain was still racing through the connection of the girl in the red cloak and the text. I know this dream is supposed to resonate a message with my emotions and coping with losing her, that's just really hard to crack when your emotions are so heavily involved and it still hurts more than anything.
I definetely believe it is possible to receive visitors from beyond the grave in dreams. That kind of dreams is usually very personal so it's hard to analyse but I know for a fact that when such a contact happens we just know, we can feel it deep within ourselves. When it happens to me it's usually the same 3 scenarios; just me and my visitor in an empty, white room and having a vivid conversation, I meet them in a beautiful garden behind a castle for some tea and chit-chat or I receive a letter/email/text message from them. If it happens to you several times you might get to notice some patterns too, so you'll get to recognize those special dreams right away with time.
Im sorry about your dad Moonglow!! Sometimes when we dream about people who have passed away we are trying to hold on to how good things were then,we dont wanna forget them or what was happening around that time... Im so sorry about your friend!!