Dealing With My Newly Accepted Bisexuality

Discussion in 'Women's Forum' started by Bunnielight, Mar 12, 2015.

  1. Bunnielight

    Bunnielight Member

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    I am 24 years old and female. I've been married to my husband for over a year now and known him for 10. He and I have a really strong and healthy marriage and are very open about everything. If you follow my posts around here, you know that we recently decided to open our lives up and become polyamorous.

    This has been a wonderful growing experience for he and I and we have gotten closer in every way.

    In the process, we have discussed my possible bisexuality, which my husband is 100% fine with.
    It's something I had questioned and pondered for a while, one reason being my relationship and loss of my best friends and loves of my life. It's taken quite some time after her passing for us both to come to terms with the depth of my love for her.

    I post this here because I want to know if any other females have struggled with accepting this part of themselves "later" in life.
    There were previous times in my life where the idea never appealed to me, however considering my relationship with my best friend, how wonderfully fulfilling it would be to have that again. My only fear is creating an impossible standard.

    There have been very few women I have been physically or spiritually attracted to, although I cannot deny that I have been.
    Is this my bisexuality trying to reach out? Or am I just a normal human that finds beautiful people attractive?

    This has honestly had my head all kinds of fuzzy for quite some time and I would just like to talk to some people that may be able to relate.
  2. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I've only ever been with women, I am gay, but I can find certain men attractive. I not think that makes me bi at all because I don't want to have sex with them. So, while you attracted or can find beauty and attraction in other women, do you want to explore your sexuality with them? I think is the question to answe your question. :)
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  3. IMjustfishin

    IMjustfishin Member

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    id be pretty surprised if there are any straight females left.
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  4. Bunnielight

    Bunnielight Member

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    Well, I already know the dynamic would be very different. I've had experience with the same sex on several occasions and have an idea of where I fall in that.

    But because of my past experience, I know the development would be entirely different. I suppose that's the most confusing part.
  5. MsSexualDeviant

    MsSexualDeviant Members

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    You get to decide your sexual identity, if you identify as bisexual, then that is what you are.

    I knew from a very early age that I wasn't 'straight' I was attracted to boys and girls. I never struggled with my sexuality, but I didn't open up and come out until I was about 19 - 20 to my group of friends. I was bisexual back then, but as I grew up and into my own skin a little more I realised I was pansexual (attracted to all genders). I'm attracted to the person first and foremost, not their genitals.

    You can be a whole range of things on the sexual spectrum, do a little Google search and see what you identify with the most. It will be very liberating.
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  6. Ashalicious

    Ashalicious Senior Member

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    I used to identify as very bisexual, but my pendulum has swung back the other way recently. Now, all I want is the D.

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