I have made it through physical withdrawals from opiates. Now comes the mental part. Feeling fine so far. Have a court appearance tomorrow and a urine analysis. It is also motivating me to stay clean.
Are you attempting to stay clean or is this due to court, Pee test? Whichever, good luck to you if you are getting clean for you!
Just remind yourself all the time how awesome it is to have extra money and how awesome it is never to be sick and always having to worry about being sick, etc.
Yup. Both. Staying clean for court but also for my own health. I am letting my body and veins heal. I want to stay clean for good. It's just hard to quit speed, H and blow all at the same time
Avoid the people you associate with drug use and take vacations in places where you don't have access to lots of drugs
Thanks. The H isn't pulling me right now, but the speed is. I had a recent little relapse, but the rest is already flushed down the toilet. I know that I can't put it in my body anymore. Not an easy drug to quit, the high is very, very much a rush when you shoot it. I dream about it still, but I know that it will always lead to death and not being a functioning member of society. Every meth user always loses everything.
Well, as I was saying in your other thread you gotta replace all THAT with something else or you really stand no chance (not just you, anyone.)... One thing I've learned from myself with various times of being on probation and seeing other people get sent back to jail while on probation and stuff is consequences alone can be a great motivating factor for a while but consequences alone do not stop people in the long run.... so you're going to meetings now and seem to have some other things going on...good. Make sure you also replace with some other fun stuff, whether it's travel, or something doing with music, exercise, sky diving, whatever... but make sure you replace with something.
shit... you relapsed? you need to stop handling meth, you will be unable to get away from it if you have it around. What about the urine tests then? What happens if you fail it?
congrats if you are going to kick speed, be prepared to feel like shiiiiiiiiiiit and sleep for a month, be an outright dick and recover mentally for a year or two,
Ugh I've kicked opiates way more than once... but from what I've heard speed is really, really bad. I personally wouldn't know firsthand but I've read some crazy (true, firsthand accounts) books on the subject and know that some rehabs won't even accept patients for meth because the prognosis is not good and a lot feel there isn't a lot they can do. Of course it's not impossible but I have heard bad things...
That sucks. I have to keep working, I can't sleep all day. I thought that withdrawals are over in six months.
Everyone is different. I wouldn't say 100% he's gonna go through that. Don't worry about it pman. Have faith in your bodies homeostasis.
Thanks. Yeah, I got a lawyer, the court date got postponed. I put in an application for the diversion program, which is drug awareness classes and community service. I also made my own sign in sheet for the N/A meetings that I attend. Meth withdrawals are over, I don't really desire to use it any more. It's basically heavy depression for about 3-4 days and then it goes away. Strangely, craving heroin now, but it's a mental craving, no more physical. I am doing fine otherwise and staying clean.
good job man. stick wit it. worst is over. your doing good. i,m not though...i seen it,, fell off the wagon this weekend.