I took 1 lsd blotter tab today and it had some effect but I wanted more spirituality to be apart of it. Tomorrow is the only day for a long time that I can. How much should I take tomorrow to get at a good spiritual level, such as self realizations? (1 tab first night) Day 1 took at 5pm, hit at around 7 pm, and now I still feel different but nothing like earlier.
LSD has a strong tolerance buildup for the days following a trip. A rule of thumb is if you want to trip two days in a row you will get the same strength trip from twice the amount, meaning if you were to take 2 hits tomorrow you'll probably trip about as hard as you did today. If you're looking to have a stronger experience you might want try 3 or 4. That said LSD is precious and ideally should be used infrequently. You shouldn't have to dose extra to account for tolerance. It's a bit of a waste. Just to be safe, you didn't notice any metallic taste or numbing sensation from the first tab did you? You should only take a higher dose if you're sure what you have is LSD.
I don't recall any of that happening. And I know it's not suppose to but like I stated, tomorrow/today is the only day I'll have for a while to do this. That's why I'd like to today I can get more but I'm not sure how much to get to achieve what I'm wanting
It depends on how strong your hits are. You might need to take 2 or 3 with no tolerance. But if you trip the day after you are going to need a higher dose.