David Sowka

Discussion in 'Humor Books' started by Misjudged Genius, Oct 23, 2008.

  1. Misjudged Genius

    Misjudged Genius Member

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    David Sowka is a young Austrian comedian and writer. He is also known by his stage name Übel (übel is a German word that has a lot of meanings; e.g. "bad", "evil", "sick", "ugly", "dangerous"...)

    This is his blog: http://www.einfach-uebel.com/ (in German)
    This is his website: http://www.davidsowka.com/ (in German)

    That guy is so hilarious! He also wrote a book, but you won't understand it...
    because it's written in German! :D

    Here are a few funny articles that he posted in his blog (I translated them into English):

    10 things, you should do before you die
    1. Complete a car park ticket (wrongly).
    2. Effect a good life insurance.
    3. Bring down a government.
    4. Win any Nobel Prize.
    5. Take a photo of a celebrity, who is in an embarrassing situation and sell the picture to a tabloid paper.
    6. Write the second part of the Bible.
    7. Be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
    8. Found a rapacious sect.
    9. Write a worldwide number-one hit.
    10. Don't pay a bill.

    Question: Is there a higher being?
    Answer: It depends what you mean by a "higher being". Surely, there's a person who's taller than you, but as far as I know, there isn't a God anymore. According to the legend, the ghostbusters caught him.

    Question: Do you know any possibility how one can effectively and successfully combat the poverty worldwide?
    Answer: Yes, of course I do!

    Question: The financial crisis is reported to be very bad. The behavior of some children is very bad, too (e.g. at school). Is there any relation?
    Answer: Of course, everything relates to each other. Take a customary toilet paper roll. It consists of many pieces that are connected with each other. It's just the same with some bread rolls. You know where I'm driving at...

    5 good reasons for a coup d'état
    1. Joker
    2. In order to get an own Wikipedia article
    3. Boring TV program
    4. It's cheaper than an election campaign
    5. In order to strengthen one's ego

    P.S: The book that he wrote is called "Schätzchen, verfälschen wir die Geschichte" ("Darling, Let's Adulterate History").

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