dave is cool. i really like his song 'rexall', but i never heard the rest of the album. and 'one hot minute' by the chili peppers had some pretty good songs on it.
i agree that he is pretty but i seen him play up close and the man does have talent. we were about 10 feet from him, i just wanted to jump on him
You should track down the album, it's really really good. 'Avoiding the Angel', 'Slow Motion Sickness' and his cover of 'Venus In Furs' are my favourites
Saw him with Jane's last year...not sure anyone has ever looked so fine and played the geetar so well at the same time! He is amazinly talented, I think too many men these days pass him off as a talentless pretty boy...but he is soooo much more
he is very over rated i think, he does not the best guitar player! the only reason i know who he is is because he has a hot wife!