
Discussion in 'Exotic Psychedelic Plants' started by We_All_Shine_On, May 19, 2004.

  1. adamole

    adamole Member

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    Your not big and your not clever.
    If you think you can handle it step into the world.....thats my advice and the best advice.............
    DOSAGE, (Just for you)

    Datura str: 3 flowers, OR, 1-2 leafs, OR, 50-150 seeds, But some people have reported effects after eating as little as 5 seeds, so go careful on the seed dose. Remember that OR, that is a big OR, if you were to eat all of the above you would surely die.

    Brugmasia (tree datura): 1 flower, OR, 1-6 leafs, OR, ?? seeds, If i was you i would go for brugmansia, easier to dose with, usually 1 flower per person.

    And you can trust me, i have had many brushes with daturas, and Solancaes, i also grow them for there beauty and mysterious aura they give off, after a while you really do learn to respect them, Thank you very much, ADAmole
  2. adamole

    adamole Member

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    You wanna know the most scariest thing about datura, waking up at night and been pinned to the bed by imaginary people, waking up, not been able to move and hearing a man say "BOOH, Ahhhhh" and running around in circles with only his shadow visible, thats the most scariest thing about datura, my skin still shudders when i think about it, it rarely happens, but when it does it will wake you up from whatever you mind is into, it will wake you up for good, screaming out for help because the presence of a person can be felt, shadows can be seen, people can be heard, thats the most scariest part............When you seriously do datura, you`re never really alone...............
  3. adamole

    adamole Member

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    AHHHHHHHHHHHHH im going mad, but that shit did really happen to me though, i have to stop thinking about datura..........
  4. mebesideme

    mebesideme Member

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    LOL, waking up at nite paralyzed and delirious, that's called sleep paralysis my friend, I have to put up with it every nite, three times a nite sometimes. You don't need datura for that.
  5. adamole

    adamole Member

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    Shit man, cheers, i never knew that, i think datura caused it though.....
  6. modestsmoker

    modestsmoker Member

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    is every trip insanly hard and filled with insanity

    why would you want that?

    i like more of a peaceful trip
  7. adamole

    adamole Member

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    No, i dont trip anymore, this sleep thing is an aftereffect i think, i haven`t touched a single drug in over 2 years, but i guess it is kind of filled with maddness when you do trip with it, but not that much as i recall........
  8. crackforkids

    crackforkids Senior Member

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    anything related to datura=BAD.
    dont listen to these people who enjoy it, most aren't american, and have some native guide and spirituality to them.

    for REAL INFO ask gnrm23 how to use it safely as a anti motion sickness cure and a stress reliever, NEVER ingested!
  9. sublime40oz

    sublime40oz Member

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    If your into not being able to differentiate between reality and whats in your head, go for it. You're in for 2-3 days of fucking madness, and you better have a good friend that you trust with your life to follow you around for 3 days to keep your ass out of jail, or worse. I sat for a friend who was determined to do the shit, at first it was interesting and sort of amusing to watch, than shit just got weird, and I felt bad for the bastard. You're not going to listen to our warnings so, good luck and "have fun?"
  10. astralgoldfish

    astralgoldfish Member

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    This person is crazy do not trust the dosages here!!!!
    Every other site or experienced persons advise I have read (I've never tried it) wolud say that these are crazy people doses very few would enjoy.
  11. Druid Waking Dreamer

    Druid Waking Dreamer Member

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    Disclaimer: The following is for Informational purposes only and in no way is recommended.

    Atropa komarovii
    I overhead this herb being mentioned by some unknown person at the park as superior to all other datura, brugmansia and belladonna type plants. Something about bruised leaves in olive oil, heated in microwave or other heating method to a briefly held temperature of 113F to 115F for 15 to 30 seconds. Something about applied topically as fresh as possible to sensitive skin areas to create increased blood flow and/or vivid dreams depending on amount used. Have no idea if this information is accurated, but someone here might find it intellectually interesting. I suppose the increased blood flow is some type of hidden tech speak for penis masturbation or aphrodisiac type application, but this is just a wild guess.

    There was also some warning about never using orally or consuming under any conditions. Funny the things you overhear people discussing in public parks!

    Datura is for idiots. Think smart and be smart.
  12. bigman

    bigman Member

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    I am writing this in the hopes that it will prevent someone else from severe injury. This is not a report of how I am affected by the drug Datura but by my nephew who is in very, very bad shape. My 16 year old nephew is currently in I.C.U. and still after 36 hours is incoherent and nearly comatose, he hasn't recognized any family members or his surroundings since this started. His pupils are dilated nearly the size of dimes. He is apparently in living hell as demonstrated by his horrified facial expressions of bulging eyes and uncontrollable trembling. He is continually doing sporadic mumblings, with paranoid darting eyes and scanning around the room, looking at what we can only imagine. It is very obvious that he is experiencing true terror and horrific scenes of hallucination.

    His heart rate is hovering around 115 - 130 bpm and his mouth is coated with blood. He is shaking, agitated and in four points restraints (which he got out of and tried to pull the catheter out of his penis which would have resulted in severe injuries did he not get stopped in time). For the first nine hours of his 'high' we were in the dark about what could be the cause of this - ambulance drivers, fire chief, police all said it was drugs but the test results all came back negative - blood and urine samples negative. This all led the doctors to believe this was neurological and my nephew was taken for a CAT scan, where results still came back negative. We all feared the worst, brain damage, anuerism, etc. every terrifying thought came to mind. All family members were called in the middle of the night where we all rushed to the the Emergency room. We cried, worried and prayed - the younger children witnessed this chaos and won't soon forget.

    If you want to try this drug, please consider what the effects of this on others will be...$20,000 hospital bill at least -ICU for days, CAT scan, Ambulance, Specialists - please take warning. We can't determine how much he took as a plant with four pods were found in his room. We still don't know if he will pull out okay or not. The doctors cannot say if there will be any long term effects. We are so worried.
  13. Colimon

    Colimon Cheesus Christo

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    Don't consume jimson weed. There's a thin line in between sickness and dying and tripping on this. You do't get high from any active ingreedient in this, you "get high" because you are poisoned by it. It is also very unenjoyable and scary most of the time. 3 words: NOT WORTH IT!
  14. Conformist2

    Conformist2 Member

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    datura is bad
    it just mimics the effects of phycosis/skitsoprenia
    you see/talk to people/things that arn't there
  15. MeatWagon499

    MeatWagon499 Senior Member

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    i always wanted to try this cuz i like being insane on LSD but datura is hella bad for u so i dont think i ever will cuz i know a few ppl that have and theyre just kind of sketch lol.
  16. Colimon

    Colimon Cheesus Christo

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    Yeah man, lots of people don't have a proper doseage or know what they are doing, and it kind of simulates phycosis. Also, lots of kids and even adults end up on life suport because of the toxic effects and their dosage.
  17. bigman

    bigman Member

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    I'VE DONE DATURA PROBABLY ABOUT 10 TIMES EVERY TIME I HAD A HORRIBLE EXPERIENCE, NOT ONLY DOES IT MAKE YOU SEE SHIT THAT IS LIKE LIVING IN A HORROR FILM, YOU CAN ACTUALLY FEEL WHATS HAPPENING I HAD MY LEG CUT OFF ( not really ) but when i was trippin i could actually feel and see the leg gone, You dont even want to know the description of the disgusting creature that took it off.
  18. CrazyWhiteguyX.X

    CrazyWhiteguyX.X Member

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    umm y dont people get it allready datura=RUSSIAN ROULETTE u might be able to trip a couple of times but one day that bullet will go right though u
  19. uplink

    uplink Member

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    Datura isn't fun, it's horribly toxic, and the hallucinations you see are as real as real life and can physically hurt you. What's more, it can cause amnesia and people forget that they even took it. People don't realize they are tripping, they can't tell real for unreal.
  20. bigman

    bigman Member

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    its also very addictive, youll want it so bad, then when its over you will say to yourself what you said last time (why did i do that)

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