I have never been with a woman and I don't know about being bisexual and dating. Do all lesbians dislike bisexuals? I have trouble telling men I am bisexual.
If you've only been with men how can you say you are bisexual? I've been bisexual for about 22 years now and only two people know I'm bisexual, my present wife and my neighbors ex-wife. It's a subject rarely brought up. If someone I'm with asks, I'll tell the truth.
You need to try both sides of the road before you start labeling yourself. And then don't label yourself. There are enough assholes doing that already. Many nice threads have been ruined by tedious label arguments. And don't label lesbians. I have known several and they were wonderful, caring, loving people. They have the same dreams and fears as everyone else except they prefer relationships with their own gender. I've never met one who was a man-hater or expressed any dislike for bisexuals. A for telling men you are bisexual, I haven't a clue. After 30+ years of bisexuality I haven't figure out how to know if someone else is gay, bi or whatever.