dating non-veggies

Discussion in 'Vegetarian' started by veggieromance, May 25, 2004.

  1. clawsy

    clawsy Member

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    well said, i understand what you mean but i would probably date a meat eater....i wouldnt live with one though, and any guy who knew in detail of the horrors of slaughterhouses but kept at eating meat, well no way.

    My partner of some years is now veggie. When we met he was a meat eater and even made jokes about ‘carrots feel pain too’….he was a annoying meat eater with smart arse jokes.
    Now he’s a veggie, that basically happened after we saw videos of factory farms and slaughterhouses from the UK. After we got involved in some campaigns and we got to learn about how cruel it is. He didnt know about how cruel it is to animals until then, and neither did i tbh, i was a vege but felt i was being over sensitive about animals... we were both brainwashed.

    I think if I was looking for a new bf I would have to date a meat eater, (cause lack of veggie guys out there) but he would have to go veggie at some point if it turned into a serious relationship. Also no meat is allowed in the house, if a guy couldnt handle that then i think he'd be too closed minded to bother with.

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