Are black holes made of dark energy? Mathematicians found a flaw in the current models, that could reconcile the existence of black holes as not being classical singularities, but simply condensed dark energy. That's a bit vague, but that's the whole point, is they discovered how relativity can describe everything in more vague terms, and accounted for things like the universe not expanding uniformly everywhere. Dark energy has no known identity, while a mathematical examination of classical mathematics and physics concluded that any arbitrary number of rudimentary metaphors can describe the universe equally accurately. In other words, they have a way to describe the universe relativistically, that can also describe a recursion in the principle of identity. Assuming black holes really are composed of dark matter, there's no reason everything can't be composed of the stuff as well and just express different aspects of the "stuff". The discovery means relativity should be able to describe how the laws of physics are local better, making it possible to reconcile relativity and quantum mechanics better as well.