Dancing Lion or Dragon Toy

Discussion in 'Fashion and Crafts' started by cerridwen, Jan 4, 2005.

  1. cerridwen

    cerridwen in stitches

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    Traditionally, on Chinese New Year, two people wear a huge lion or dragon costume and dance. This toy is a tiny paper version of this traditional puppet.

    • Colored paper
    • Scissors
    • Crayons or markers
    • Glue, tape
    • 2 wooden barbeque skewers (or 2 straws or disposable chopsticks)
    • Optional glitter, feathers
    [​IMG]Draw thehead and tail of a lion or dragon on a piece of paper.[​IMG]Cut the head and tail out and decorate with bright colors. Optional: Decorate with glitter and feathers.

    [​IMG]Fold a piece of paper in half the long way. Cut along the fold line, making two long rectangles.[​IMG]Fold each piece of paper up like an accordion. Glue or tape the two pieces together, forming one long piece that will be the animal's body.[​IMG][​IMG]Glue or tape one end of the body to the head. Glue or tape the other end of the body to the tail.[​IMG][size=+2]Tape one skewer (or straw) to the head and the other skewer (or straw) onto the tail. You now have a dragon or lion that can dance for Chinese New Year.[/size]

  2. lynsey

    lynsey Banned

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    thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!! i picked china for our country of the month in a few months I will do this with the kids that looks like an awesome easy project that's not gonna have everyone bitching at me because of the mess.
  3. kitty fabulous

    kitty fabulous smoked tofu

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    that looks like fun! the kids & i may try it this afternoon. we'll do the dragon, but probably make several puppets that way, as it doesn't *have* to be a chinese dragon. maybe we'll also try a snake, or a dachsund, or a weasel...hmmm...
  4. lynsey

    lynsey Banned

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    here's a link to a project I am doing with the kids today for poland. you're supposed to use a razor to cut them but obviously it's not a good idea with kids, really good childrens scisssors work just as well. If you do it on colored rice paper it turns out really cool, I drew some of my won designs (with doggies on it:) ) but my scanner isn't working at the moment.

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