Anyone here read this man's work? It is so awesome & inspiring. For those of you out there who are looking for something new to read, pick up "Way of the Peaceful Warrior" and then "Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior".
Yeah, I thought both those books were pretty good. They stole a LOT from Carlos Castaneda but they were a million times better than the Celestine Prophecy or the Alchemist.
i've read one of his kids books, it was amazing. talked about befriending the bully. absolutely beautiful enlightening story. _secret of the peaceful warrior_ luv'n'lite ps, i dont think that there's really any sort of contest between enlightened authors, valis. truth comes from many places.
Better than the Alchemist? Why did you think so? I thought that the Alchemist was much more about spirituality, while Peaceful Warrior seemed more like practical/sage advice. Also, I felt like I was really reading an intriguing story with the Alchemist.
This book helped me get through the awfully depressing winter earlier this year. Dan Millman has many wise words. I've got a few of his books, and I'm reading The Laws of Spirit right now, and it's been great.
Winters can definitely be a challenge if you're stuck indoors. I just finished reading "Wisdom of the Peaceful Warrior" which is a companion book the "Way of the Peaceful Warrior." It offers some great insights and explanations of various passages of the original. Dan was generous enough to donate six autographed copies of this book and we're trying to send it around the world over the next few months. You can see more about it here: Namaste! hak