Damn It! Why Do Guys Cock-Block Each Other?

Discussion in 'Men's Issues' started by Fueled by Coffee, Oct 18, 2015.

  1. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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    Seriously! Of all the times I've been interrupted from making moves on a girl, it's usually from a guy I've never met before, or a shitty male friend who demands your attention at inappropriate times.

    Chatting up a girl at a bar scene, private party, or any public area, a guy will occasionally come up and try to interrupt our dialog. In worst case scenarios he'll do this by being very loud, saying something disrespectful, hit on the girl, or if he's really drunk he'll try to start a belligerent argument or a fight with me. But mostly it's to pull us apart and give him the attention he craves.

    Last night I was at a bar where I was practicing my game by talking to random strangers. And then I ran into my old female co-worker who now has a job at that bar checking IDs and collecting cover fees. After talking to a few people at the bar, I approach my old co-worker and we start catching up (I'm not hitting on her as we have no romantic interests). Then her co worker comes up to us and says to me "So, you're trying your luck with her? After you've been shot down by 3 other girls at this place?" She looked disgusted and I told him "We used to work together, and we haven't seen each other in nearly a year."
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  2. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    My guess is that the co-worker likes her, or could even be her bf. Where was this "you've been shot down by 3 other girls" thing coming from?
  3. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Show. Us. The. Money. $$$$

  4. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    You should have said something like, do you wanna be her boyfriend?

    Turn it back on him
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  5. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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    I suppose he was creepily watching me from across the room. When I first ordered my drink at the bar I had a good conversation with a pretty black-haired girl who sat next to me. Her friends showed up and after making a little small talk, they decided to flock to the ladies room together and the black haired girl told me she'd meet up with me later. That's when I decided to go talk to my old co-worker.
  6. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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    Very clever! That will come in handy next time.
  7. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    that one's probably the most annoying. you're talking with someone, and it seems to be progressing well, and then suddenly her boyfriend shows up and joins in the conversation. as though i was just talking to her because i want more friends? come on, don't waste my time.
  8. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    Well, as a female this is a tricky one because if you bust out with 'I have a boyfriend' as soon as the guy opens his mouth you'll end up being treated like you're stuck up for assuming he was coming to hit on you and not just being friendly. At least that has been my experience.
  9. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    people that are drinking alcohol are obnoxious. so, his behavior was on par with the environment..
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  10. audrey_the_endotherm

    audrey_the_endotherm Members

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    It could be a situation where the girl was using this co-worker as a safety net. His responsibility is to intervene if some guy approches her. I've had guy friends do that for me several times.
  11. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    yeah, that is kind of annoying too. obviously the solution is to just be single.
  12. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    I actually talk to females just for the sake of being friendly some times, maybe that's unusual? Somehow the phrase "my boyfriend" gets slipped into the conversation often enough, usually in a way that is somewhat obvious, in one case, "what a nice shirt, my boyfriend has one just like it". I was tempted to reply, "then he has poor taste, and apparently not just in shirts".

    It's easier to have friendly conversation with a female if there is a boyfriend/husband also present.
  13. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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    Makes sense. That's is probably the most logical explanation for this guy's douchey remarks. But in this situation I was not hitting on my old co-worker, even though when we used to work together we went on a couple dates that didn't really lead anywhere past 2nd base. He seemed to be much less of a jerk when I told him this girl and I used to work together, we hadn't seen each other in a year, and I wasn't hitting on her.

    So while I can't exactly say this situation with my old co-worker at the bar was an actual cock-block, I have plenty more examples of experiencing guys intervene and try to thwart my chances with a girl.

    At parties I've had really shitty guy friends butt their way into a conversation I'm having with a girl, trying to pull me away from her and onto his drunken attention seeking needs. I don't know if they realize what they're doing, or they are actually jealous they just aren't getting any female attention?

    Even worse is complete strangers who do this kind of shit. I'll be walking down the street with a date or a female friend, and I've had classless guys come out of the woodwork and say some nasty and belittling things about both of us. I've had asshole guys come up to us and say "Ohhh Yeah you two are getting laid tonight! Yeoooow!" as he's thrusting his hips back and forth. Or they'll try to come up to her and get her away from me as soon as I have my back turned.

    More recently I was walking with a girl I had just met outside a bar at the coast. I was walking with her to another bar and these 3 guys came out of the woodwork and said "Hey hey, you know how when you see a hot girl with an ugly guy? Well this is what I'm seeing right now! Girl what are you doing with this loser!?" This guy was clearly drunk and looking for a fight. I'm not the type of guy who likes to argue, fight, and confront meat heads like these, yet they always find a way to get to me; I'm actually very chill and peaceful, if you got to know me in person.

    Indeed I know girls are also known to cock block guys, but they don't do it in such a belligerent way that guys do. Most of the time, they do it because they are over-protective of their female friends, or they're jealous that one of their friends is getting more male attention than her. Yet I've never had a complete female stranger try to stand between me and another girl she's never met before. It's always been men.

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