*growling sound* Everything annoying at once...is it just me? LOL I just got over a stomach big, and my endo pain has been a bitch lately, and now I'm getting a bladder infection. That's actually what this thread is about...a (male) doctor I had years and years ago told me that getting bladder infections was a "girl thing" because of the tight pants girls wear and that we don't drink enough water. Is there any truth to this? I try to drink a lot of water, and cranberry juice...but they just happen anyway. So, the question of the day is: how do YOU prevent bladder infections? Who's got snazzy home-based ideas for the prevention of bladder infections? Cos now I have to go to the doctor, tomorrow - in 6 inches of snow (or more, cos it's still comin') and get a prescription....and the meds always hurt my tummy. My mom is totally prone to them, it seems, no matter what she does in her lifestyle to prevent them...could it be an inherited problem??
"You Can Prevent UTIs There are several ways you may be able to prevent UTIs. After urination, females should wipe from front to back with toilet paper. After bowel movements, be sure to wipe from front to back to avoid spreading bacteria from the rectal area to the urethra. Another thing you can do to prevent bladder infections, whether you're a male or female, is to go to the bathroom to empty your bladder frequently. Avoid holding your urine for long periods of time. Males and females should also keep the genital area clean and dry. Frequent bubble baths can cause irritation of the vaginal area, so girls should take showers or take baths without adding bubble bath to the water. Avoid prolonged exposure to moisture in the genital area by not wearing nylon underwear or wet swimsuits. Remember that wearing underwear with cotton crotches is also helpful. If you are sexually active, urinate within 15 minutes after intercourse (or right after) and gently wash the genital area to remove any bacteria. Avoid sexual positions that irritate or hurt your urethra or bladder, and if you need lubrication during sex, use a water-soluble lubricant, such as K-Y Jelly and Wetâ„¢. Finally, drinking lots of water - six to eight glasses a day - keeps your bladder active and bacteria-free. Pure cranberry juice will help keep the urine acidic and bacteria don't multiply as well in that kind of environment. Remember, that although urinary tract infections are uncomfortable and often painful, they are very common and easily treated. The sooner you contact your health care provider, the sooner you'll be able to clear up the infection." (http://www.coolnurse.com/bladder.htm) "Prevention Women can help to prevent bladder infections by wiping from front to back with toilet tissue after a bowel movement and by urinating after having sexual intercourse. Some women with frequent bladder infections (more than two infections every year) take an antibiotic after sexual encounters, three times per week, or daily to prevent infection. Other measures that may help to prevent bladder infections include going to the bathroom as soon as the urge to urinate arises, drinking plenty of fluids every day, and avoiding feminine-hygiene products that might irritate the urethral opening. Some women find that taking showers rather than baths decreases the number of bladder infections. (http://www.intelihealth.com/IH/ihtIH/WSIHW000/9339/9555.html) "Prevention Return to top * Keep your genital area clean. * Wipe from front to back. * Drink plenty of fluids. * Urinate after sexual intercourse. * Avoid fluids that irritate the bladder, like alcohol and caffeine. * Drink cranberry juice, but NOT if you have a personal or family history of kidney stones. * DO NOT douche or use similar feminine hygiene products. * Wear cloth undergarments. " (http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000521.htm) "Ways to Prevent a Urinary Tract Infection: * Good personal hygiene is important. Blot or wipe gently from front to back after urinating or having a bowel movement. This will avoid spreading bacteria from your rectum to your vagina or urethra. * Try not to use colored toilet paper, bubble bath, perfumed soaps, douches, feminine hygiene deodorants, and deodorant tampons and napkins. * Wear cotton underwear. Avoid wearing tight clothing, such as bodysuits, tight pants and nylon panty hose without cotton liners. * Avoid using strong soaps and bleaches when washing underclothes. * Avoid prolonged activities that can aggravate bladder infections, such as bicycling, horseback riding, motorcycling and traveling. * Drink six to eight glasses of water or fluids a day. Drinking cranberry juice may be helpful, but check with your doctor first. It should not be used with some medications. * Urinate when you feel the urge - do not hold urine for long periods of time. * Urinate before and after having intercourse. * During your period, if you wear pads, change them at least twice a day. " (http://obgyn.uihc.uiowa.edu/Patinfo/Adhealth/UTI.HTM) hurrah for google. Sounds like, make sure you're not soaking wet, drink lots o' water, urinate after sex if possible, wear cotton undies... basically anything you'd do if you have problems with recurrent yeast infections as well.
Wow ihmurria, that's awesome...some really, really good info in there. I definitely don't drink enough, that's for sure. I find it really hard to drink a lot during the winter, when I'm not thirsty from heat like I am in the summer. I did have a bath with "stuff" in it last evening (bath bomb from Lush) but it was the first I'd had since Christmas and I don't think it would have happened so soon. Probably a fluids thing..thanks for the info! I hate bladder infections
They are more common in females yes, I don't remember why, but if you get them often you might wanna look into that there is a disease affiliated with bladder infections that is a lot more serious and I believe that is passed along through genes. From what I remember though it has nothing to do with tight jeans it is more technical than that, doctors aren't always right, I've had experience with that, also they sometimes talk from that human asshole side that we all have instead of from the medically experience side, I sometimes think they forget they're doctors, I've had too many experiences with a doctor's nonmedical asswipe opinion. Also if you really, really don't want to go to the doctor it can pass on it's own, when I was in the hospital they let mine pass on it's own, but you might want to go to make sure you don't have that disease that I can't think of the name of, sorry I can't look it up for you, I am drained and have a headache, etc. anyway, good luck.
WOW! Great post, full of good info, ihmurria!!!! (((((((((((Super Grrl))))))))))))) In a way your doc is right. Tight pants can lead to squishing of the urethra, bacterial and fungal growth in the vaginal area. ("Squishing" is a medical term, LOL.) Even minor dehyration can cause you to have more UTIs. You HAVE to drink more water. I had surgery on my urinary tract, when I was 21, because of repeated, bloody UTIs. It actually worked, but my urethra was really damaged, before the surgery (they don't know if I was born like that or what) but tight pants, wearing nylon panties, and not drinking enough water, and waiting too long before emptying my bladder added to the trouble. I got rid of my diaphram, (additional squishing of the urethra in womyn predisposed to UTIs, but fine for womyn who don't get them) I wear loose pants, only cotton panties, I drink like a fish (95% of what I drink is just plain water) and I pee a lot. I have only had a few UTIs in the last 22 years since the surgery, and I think some of the changes I made helped. I also found out I was allergic to spermicide. I don't know if that helps you or not, though. I hope you are feeling better soon. You have had a rough year, honey. Hugs and healing love, Maggie
Thanks everyone...Maggie you're right, Ihmurria's post was awesome! On an even better note, I do NOT have a bladder infection...I guess what I was feeling last night was my body sending me a warning..."Hey Cher, you're not drinking enough water...start drinking or you're gonna get sick!" Maggie thanks for your info too. I'm sorry you had to have all those problems, that's really not fair!
Yay for no infection! Since it's a matter of hydration... I have that problem a lot too. The biggest thing that helps me is to keep a big bottle of water (my 32 oz. nalgene bottle) & a glass next to my computer -- as long as I keep refilling the glass, I will just drink as a way to fidget while reading a webpage. I don't even notice that I'm doing it, but before I know it the bottle is empty.
Well folksies I'm on bottle #2 for the day, 500 mL each. Ok so it's no great feat but I'm working on it. lol can't wait til I try to go to bed, I bet I'm up all night peeing!
be careful of how you're storing your water, some plastics leach dangerous chemicals...more info on this link.... http://hipforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=66693