Daily life seems so...

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Pressed_Rat, Sep 25, 2013.

  1. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Hardly a new or revolutionary thought (probably for some more than many), and I am sure people will accuse me of sounding like some angsty 17 year old, but still after all this time it never fails to amaze me how so much of what people do and are expected to do to be a normal member of society is just.... stupid!!! Everything from acquiring some bullshit college degree, to working some meaningless job, to commuting back and forth from said job everyday in stop-and-go traffic, to getting married to and raising kids, to buying a house in some plastic neighborhood surrounded by a bunch of annoying assholes.... Nobody asks WHY, they just do it because that is what you're expected to do. Some of the aforementioned things I am in the process of doing at this point (college), but it's because I feel like I have to -- not because I want to or that it's truly important to me -- in order to achieve some semblance of normalcy as defined by society, and not die in a gutter somewhere poor and lonely. It was so much easier when I was in my 20s and didn't even give a fuck. Now I seem to be compensating by giving too much of a fuck for not giving a fuck before. It doesn't feel like me. It isn't me.
  2. Sig

    Sig Senior Member

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    So angsty.....
  3. TopNotchStoner

    TopNotchStoner Georgia Homegrown

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    I agree. Most of what society expects from us is pointless. I'm perfectly content with being an anonymous "nobody" and following my philosophy that the only thing that matters in life is to smile as often as possible.

    That being said, many of the things you mentioned are things that make some people happy, and they do those things because they want to, as opposed to doing them because it's expected of them.
  4. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Yeah, but many people don't know why they want those things. They want them because everyone else wants them, or thinks they want them. I even think I want them myself sometimes because there is that microscopic speck inside of me that needs to be accepted by the herd.
  5. Sig

    Sig Senior Member

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    It all depends on perspective; perspective built from life experience. I get what you mean and agree to a certain point, but then I just think "quit your fuckin bitchin".
  6. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."
  7. FlyingFly

    FlyingFly Dickens

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    I don't even know what I want anymore.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wS5xOZ7Rq8"]Not Giving a Fuck! - YouTube
  8. IamnotaMan

    IamnotaMan I am Thor. On sabba-tickle. Still available via us

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    Pressed, you make some interesting comments.

    Between 18 and 22 or so, I ended up re-evaluating everything I had planned and worked for. I didn't see the point of signing away 20 or 40 years of my life for things I didn't have a real passion for. Effectively, I begun to build my life plans from the ground up again. Considering everything I had felt, been taught etc. The path I then chose wasn't an easy one, but it felt like the right one, as much as was possible for me in my position.

    I think you think about things a lot, and don't willingly go along with the forces of inertia/tide of the latest fads in society. Thats a good thing. The hard part then becomes finding out what you really want.

    Some people find it easy to do a job/career they have no enthusiasm for. I know some people who have a spouse they don't even like/find attractive.
    Some people are pretty lukewarm about their closest friends.

    Some people can do this for a while, but know they must reach a level of acceptability long term.

    I think our lives divide into categories. Career/job/paying the bills. Friends and hobbies. And then spouse/girlfriend/ family etc.

    Generally with people, life makes a lot more sense if they have all 3 sorted. People with none, and no progress being made, life must be complete arse-ache.

    So to me, the 1st question is, what do you want in those 3 areas. 2nd question, what are your timeframes and plans to go about these things?

    The reality is that there are people exactly like you, and a life exactly *for you*. The hard part is connecting these things up.
  9. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor

    "It was a great mistake, my being born a man. I would have been much more successful as a seagull or fish. As it is, I will always be a stranger who never feels at home, who does not want and who is never really wanted, who can never belong, who must be a little in love with death! "​

    One of my favorite quotes. Reminds me of this post. Once you are aware of the game it makes it infinitely harder to play. At the same time it is harder NOT to play, because you realize the consequences of that action.
  10. cynthy160

    cynthy160 Senior Member

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    It's your life. What do you want to do with your life?
  11. Manservant Hecubus

    Manservant Hecubus Master of Funk and Evil

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  12. bird_migration

    bird_migration ~

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    I completely agree. Life is utterly pointless, so it always amazes me how 99,99% of the people feel pressured by society into the kind of life they are 'expected' to live instead of living the life they want to live. And what also amazes me is that society is based on being average instead of standing out.
    Rat seriously, don't be affraid to take the big step of changing your life the way you want. Happiness doesn't come from complaining, it comes from action.
  13. calgirl

    calgirl Senior Member

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    I dropped out of 4 colleges before I figured out I wanted to try animal health. It meant I had to reject all the ideas planted in my head before I started to do my own thinking.

    Life is about goals, both short term and long term. The act of starting and finishing makes things less mundane. No matter what though, there had better be more than 50% of the time to have fun.....or yeah, life is pointless.
  14. LetLovinTakeHold

    LetLovinTakeHold Cuz it will if you let it

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    My daly life is pretty awesome.
  15. bird_migration

    bird_migration ~

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    That's what they want you to think.
  16. skitzo child

    skitzo child PEACEFUL LIBRA

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    Is boring
  17. LoneDeranger

    LoneDeranger Trying to pay attention.

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    Attitude and perspective are everything. Change them, and you change your world.
  18. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    this is the problem with the lie of normality. the good news is that it really is a lie. there is no such thing. there's a big pretense of it in some segments of human society, but no evidence of its existence has every been found in the physical universe. no in the way humans are fond of using the word anyway.

    sanity is an entirely seperate matter. that's about not screwing yourself up emotionally. it has nothing to do with any kind of a common standard.

    there are things people expect of each other that you get in trouble or at least disfavor for violating, but that's people. which is what makes nature so wonderful. because it really doesn't give a dam or have to, what humans think normal is.
  19. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    About the only point I can see, is to enjoy what little time we have as we pass through and try to keep from doing too much dumb shit. To do just the right amount is to remind us we have some say in what we do and how we do it, thereby retaining some sense of individuality as distinguished from the other dummies.

    it is always said--"find something you really care about and don't worry about ------(fill in the blank.)
  20. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    Hmm....yea, I mean I do totally get your post and your point. Groundhog day shit most of it.
    Only thing I have to say in comment to all that is that having a kid--who is at an age where everything is new and exciting to him--- has taken that feeling all away. Now, little, small, everyday things very often seem exciting and fresh to me. It is enjoyable to me to be in an average day of my life... cooking and feeding him 3 meals a day, taking him to the library a couple times a week and a cpl story times a week, taking him to various grocery stores, natural food stores, farmer's markets, etc. per week and just spending time outside talking to the neighbors and riding bikes, etc.--- all things that a year ago I woulda said "uh, yea, wow...boring" but it doesn't take much anymore for things to NOT seem mundane for me. (kinda why the beach trip I just got back from was the best vacation I've had since I was a child and we didn't do all that much there...but I realized I am seeing life fresh- from a child's perspective.)

    anyways, all that said... I think a lot about life- the external parts of it... wake up, go to work or school and/or take care of your children- or do whatever it is you do on a day to day basis...drive home, stop for gas and groceries, cook and eat dinner, etc.--IS boring and mundane and pointless and can be flat out depressing IF (if, if, if!!) that is what you focus on. It's really what is going on internally..what else you are focused on- what about the relationships (friendships, I mean) with people you can make at a job or people's days you can brighten by being cheerful and friendly?-- what are you working for?- are you saving up your money to take your family on a nice vacation in a few months?- What's going on in your head while you are doing the more boring, day to day things that we all have to do?- (are you working on the lyrics to a song or poem you are writing? are you thinking about the people you love so much and how they make you happy and how you can't wait to spend time with them?--maybe thinking of a way to surprise a loved one and make their day wonderful?....etc., etc.)-- the list could go on and on.
    but it's all about the person. the externals are always all there and life ISN'T always fun and exciting. the older we get, the more boring it COULD actually be (the less fun)... but a truly happy person with a lot going for them -- who is content and doesn't get bored, they make something else OUT OF the day to day activities...

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