Depends upon the Dad, I should think. I do NOT find the Mr Universe, bodybuilder type at all sexy, though. I prefer an average physique.
If women love dad bods thats great u can eat pizza and mcdonalds. Though i think women 26 and under have higher standards and want a toned guy
All I care about as far as tone is concerned is that he can carry a tune. I like a guy who can sing. What does "toned" mean, anyway? Muscle definition? Don't care. What's inside is the important thing. It's better if he's not really fat, because he's going to live longer, but just don't obsess about appearance. I hope today's young ladies aren't so shallow. I hope they know that it's the mind that counts, and the heart- NOT the outer shell in which the soul resides!
If you ask my other half she prefers me at 171 pounds and a toned body rather than 8 years previously at 260 pounds and a tum. For avoidance of doubt I am in my 50s. I am fitter than I was in my 20s and still very much active in the bedroom dept. . A lot of hard work and done at home. Importantly as well ,a change of diet done gradually. I havnt been near a McDonalds for over 15 years . When I go out on the town I attract attention all of the time and from ladies and some as young as 26 . I guess thats my answer
How about a guy who has some.muscle and is in shape but not vane and has a good personality ? theres alot of dbags who are in love with themselves. But most guys at the gym are in good shape and just reg guys just working out as a hobby. Lol
Makes sense. I think guys should take care of themselves and if u have muscles..great but dont think ur the greatest guy who ever lived. Any1 can get muscles if they put their mind to it.
Possibly another side issue here . If a person has a decent body and keeps trim and healthy and you dont have to have big muscles to achieve this ,then body confidence can be given a boost. In turn that can translate into better sex in the bedroom .
I have the dad bod and actually really comfy with the way I look it means I do active stuff but and busy with other things to really work out at a gym
You dont have to work out at a gym .I dont as I would lose too much time in travelling and I dont have to buy fancy Gym wear either .Working out at home is best and you only need a modest amount if equipment
I wouldn’t consider myself a Dad bod. I don’t have a beer gut and my stomach is flat on a small frame. However, I don’t have any muscle mass. I am in my late 60’s and I have a active sex life.
His attitude and personality mean a lot more to me. I would much rather date a sexy, funny, confident, and experienced guy with a beer belly than a boring guy with a great body.
Ah but what about a sexy,funny ,confident experienced guy with a great body versus the same with a dad bod ?
Well, most men 26 and under don’t have “dad bods,” so it’s not much of a problem. When I think “dad bod” (like mine! Lol), I’m thinking the dude is at least 35, and more likely over 40.
I will say that guys with what you refer to as dad bods seem to be more confident and have fewer inhibitions. Now that you mention that, it's probably because guys with great bods feel girls will automatically come to them and expect to be desired. Nothing wrong with having a dad bod if you know how to use what you have. Confidence is intoxicating.