I guess this is a relatively old method now -I dont smoke too much anymore- so I really dont know much about this - But my question to those that do is " Could this method harm the legalization movement ? - Enough states are starting to get behind medicinal and or straight legalization now- could this be seen as extreme and hurt the challenges of legal marijuana? Will "society look at this method as a way people can take advantage of a long overdue law change? Like it wasnt good enough that we finally got the "powers that be" to understand the advantages,,but now there is a way to super size it - - Just wondering* * Jack--old timer/& P/T toker
dabbing doesn't hurt the movement....retarded fuckwads writing stupid articles is the bigger problem here fucking dude says in his experience you can overdose on dabbing by passing out stupid fuck author.....passing out or feinting from a huge hit is not overdosing