Sorry if theres been a thread like this already, iv searched up to like page 20 and couldnt see it unless i missed it, but i just wanted to know your thoughts on first time true phsycadelic experiance. Im not new to the drug scene, been smoking sweet lady ganja for about 4years, in that time i liked pills alot (10-15 every friday and sometimes till sunday about a good 2 years. meth once and coke occosionly. I used to like xanx alot while smoking would kinda make you heaps bent but after a couple times kinda going overboard sent me into a shock and never thouching it again. Ive had fairly few times on m where ive tripped out and seen shit but thats just the way m rolls, wouldnt call it a real delik experiance, one of those times i remeber eating a beage sex, along with 2 blue volkswagons and 2, 250mg m caps at once and it felt weird smacking out but seeing everything around fade in and out, peoples heads began to appear distorted and looking at myself in the mirror could see myself throbing to the beat. Maybe i reachd the pinnicle of m? Anyways, iv been realy intreuiged by the whole pshycadelic scene, not really wanting to do it to trip balls but because theres alot. Alot of things wrong about myself that i would supposed. Have a further understanding of if i were to have these experiance.. More or so self medicate. I just wanted to know what would be a good way to start this so called self journey, as iv seen phsycologists n shit, they defiantly dont help. i have friends but not in the sense that other people do, you could say i live more lonely lifestyle, i like it, but i dont. where as im currentlyq confused about so many things hopefully this would bring some retrospect into the picture. My questions are, which lsd or mushiz is more intense, mentally wise, which one would you say "plays" with your thoughts more? Im not so worried about a bad trip seeing as what iv read there are things to be learnt from them, but should i have someone with me the first time or do it with 2others who ones done it before, and the other first timer? Or stay solo? ^ontop of that if i do start to have this negative feeling is it easy would you say to swich topics like anyone whos experianced being on the verge of m overdose, you can gee yourself up which overall throws that sick neg feeling away, for example if i start to deeply think about certain things which when sober get me in a shitty mood, could i start to think about watchin porn and have an ultimate wank or someshit like that? Or is much different? Thanks, sorry if i babbled on abit much seem to do that alot.
The trippy aspect of your MDMA could mean it was actually MDA. Some pills are a mixture, I just saw some there were 2/3 mdma with 1/3 mda. The combo of the two really is good. But the psychedelic aspect of MDMA/MDA is nothing compared to a true psychedelic. No psychedelic is universally more intense. It depends on you and the set and setting of each time. If you take 2 hits of acid one time and the next time do it again the second time could end up being more profound for you. I have had meaningful trips on both Mushrooms and LSD. But when you do trip above all be in a good state of mind. Knowing you took something and being in that good place is the best way to avoid a bad trip. A good first trip is mushrooms simply because it is shorter then LSD so if you don't like it you have less time to deal with it. There is also the issue of NBOME. If you are looking for acid learn about it because it is passed off as LSD and it is not nearly as safe. With mushrooms I think it is a bit easier to not get screwed. Maybe you would like NBOME, but I personally prefer LSD. With LSD and mushrooms there is no overdose point with NBOME there is. You can trip alone if you want. Since you have done some reading and know what to expect you may be able to handle it. I have tripped alone many times and it does offer a opportunity to really dive into your mind. But for a first time there is nothing wrong with having some back up.
Sorry my matured-ness isnt up to your standard. Mearly asking a question with abit of humour/ truth behind it.
Egg can be a bit of a douche sometimes....but he is correct just get to the point i dont need to know your drug hostory over the last 4 years to give you advice on lsd or shrooms.
It's true, I can be. We get a lot of people coming in here and making 1 or 2 posts and not coming back. If you use real words and get to the point, you'll probably get more answers.
@Jawz13; As to your initial inquiry I can only offer up an opinion and say that I think it would serve you better if you addressed it to yourself (this way you can account for yourself rather than finding yourself later being held accountable). Who knows better than you the answers to questions like 'am I Ready?' Is this the right time? Why am I taking it? What surroundings (set & setting, people) will I be in? In what spirit do I take it? (For example like in the spirit of having more fun with friends, in the spirit of enhancing the vibe at a music festival or maybe in the spirit of healing, learning, ones quest for affirmation or growth, etc. ( I always like doing things in the spirit of fun). I would suggest if one is confused, immature or lacks basic knowledge about some of the facets of LSD, than they may not be ready for the 'trip' (there is the possibility that a dose could correct a lot of that). For myself I have found that LSD allowed me to let go of certain concepts and beliefs that I was previously unwilling to let go of, holding me back, and instead delighted me with something I'll call 'love' ... which is very attractive. As to 'Cyd vs Shroomz', kid I gotta tell ya....LSD wins out with me. Why? Because LSD is LSD and always delivers when authentic, but with shroomz you got a wide variety of types; from little wormy blue gray stems to large orange caps and each one has a nature all of its own. There is also contained in the makeup of shroomz a number of other chemical substances that we would not ingest otherwise leaving unpleasant side effects. Also, the effects in strength vary even among shrooms of the same genus. Lastly, might I add that many look 'magic' but are in fact lethal. Best to know what one is doing. Hope you found this useful. P.S., I liked how your post read. It showed an inclination for the written word; someone who likes to write writes more than they have to.
i personally find shrooms to be "more intense" than LSD. shrooms mess with my thought process a lot more. but i find LSD really therapeutic, in a way. if you start to think about unpleasant thoughts, sometimes changing the scenery can help for me. like change the music, or change the room you are in, or go outside. but it might also be stuck in your mind, and you're thinking about it for the rest of the trip. THAT can be the therapeutic part though - thinking about something unpleasant from a different perspective.
I think if you were to describe that experience and not say what drug it was, many people would think it's an LSD or Mushroom trip. I tend to get fairly good visuals on MDMA at 250 mgs but that's about my upper threshold thus far, I can't really imagine double that dose but the experiences I've read recently at 500 mgs + level have been fairly intriguing. MDMA does usually have that element of reassurance to it which is not as guaranteed with other psychedelics. There is some structural relation of MDMA with Mescaline and Mescaline is another quality psychedelic that may be worth exploring initially as you will likely traverse some familar territory and it tends to be more forgiving than LSD or Shrooms. I like this info... But of the two you are inquiring about, I'd say shrooms are generally easier on me than LSD mentally. The duration being one of the key factors but I also tend to generally feel more relaxed with shrooms and can let it come over me, while LSD I tend to find more unwavering and mentally taxing. However both can be amazing experiences, so I don't think you should shy from either of them if the opportunity presents itself.
I agree with the poster about mushrooms being 'easier' to trip on and for an individual who really wants to experience a psychedelic, yet still holds a certain amount of apprehension about doing it (as in maybe he had heard too many horror stories/urban legends/propaganda or is just plain scared of losing control)....then yes, I would say mushrooms is the better choice for one's first trip. That whole LSD 'ego-death' experience, that time before the peak when its coming on can be very taxing mental wise, yet when the 'letting go' part is passed, when a person is no longer trying to hold on to his wits end...that is the time a person can really really be/feel/think/know enlightenment. No shit. Mushrooms don't do that as well, IMO. This is why it is LSD that jumped start the 60s counter cultural movement, not mushrooms which were already well known (Life magazine featured magic mushrooms on their front cover in 1957, this is what first got Saint Leary's attention...but is was acid that blew his mind. J Garcia is another example...he did shrooms first too, but as he said acid "changed everything". The thing I see about about LSD is that not only does it make people smart, yes I said smart-it can teach compassion among everything else, but it also inspires people to live at their potential...and if your a selfish bigot and take acid it will knock you off your ass and make you see your delusion for the illusion it is. Shrooms don't do that. Shrooms don't do what acid does. Sorry. LSD is IT but there is nothing wrong with trying shrooms first...most of the famous psychedelic figures did shrooms first too - mostly because LSD was not yet let out of the genie's bottle. Accept no substitute. Thanks for reading and do something good for someone else if you can.
I agree with the poster about mushrooms being 'easier' to trip on (but lesser rewards) and for an individual who really wants to experience a psychedelic, yet still holds a certain amount of apprehension about doing it (as in maybe he had heard too many horror stories/urban legends/propaganda or is just plain scared of losing control)....then yes, I would say mushrooms is the better choice for one's first trip. That whole LSD 'ego-death' experience, that time before the peak when its coming on can be very taxing mental wise, yet when the 'letting go' part is passed, when a person is no longer trying to hold on to his wits end...that is the time a person can really really be/feel/think/know enlightenment. No shit. Mushrooms don't do that as well, IMO. This is why it is LSD that jumped start the 60s counter cultural movement, not mushrooms which were already well known (Life magazine featured magic mushrooms on their front cover in 1957, this is what first got Saint Leary's attention...but is was acid that blew his mind. J Garcia is another example...he did shrooms first too, but as he said acid "changed everything". The thing I see about about LSD is that not only does it make people smart, yes I said smart-it can teach compassion among everything else, but it also inspires people to live at their potential...and if your a selfish bigot and take acid it will knock you off your ass and make you see your delusion for the illusion it is. Shrooms don't do that. Shrooms don't do what acid does. Sorry. LSD is IT but there is nothing wrong with trying shrooms first...most of the famous psychedelic figures did shrooms first too - mostly because LSD was not yet let out of the genie's bottle. Accept no substitute. Thanks for reading and do something good for someone else if you can.
Cheers for the info,,, i decided to Go for the First time with p.cubenisis, 2g, dried. Its honestly not as bad as everyone says,, i did it bymyself, and somehow drove home into the 3-4th hour,,( park thats like 5mins down the road..) ha never driving on them again, was beyond intense.. But the second time i took shroomz i did a 3g dose of same species, at once and blew my mind. Iv been really keen for the lsd phsycadelic experiance,, yet cant seem to get my hands on any,, everyone that has them doesnt know shit about the drugs they sell so im guessing it would be shitty nbome, non of my friends really get on phsycadelics,, and even worse,, i got attacked on nye whilst high on mushrooms, got bad anxiety and wigged out, spent it watching the fireworks with my parents trippping, paranoid shitless about what had happend and if next time he sees me etc... Iv done them once since then, and the experiance was more pleasurable, yet still had bad anxiety until i started going cone after cone, it subsided but i could still scence its presence...if that made sense.. I wouldnt consider it bad trip i started wiggin out about stupid stuff overthinking, and kinda led myself to see distorted shit happening. Nothing like other experiances,, could literally see crooked whilst in some 3d without the glasses backdrop...
I feel like mushrooms give more insight quicker. Both have there own ways of making you see the truth, but mushrooms just seems more direct. Acid will get you there after you know where your going, mushrooms will just get you there even if you have no idea. Both these substances have a intelligence behind them, they will give you what ever your ready for. Which ever one comes first is the one that wanted to break your cherry, so just be open to both.
Don't drive on shrooms, or acid. The jakes will pull you over and they will know ur trippin balls and have fun fucking with you and whenu piss ur pants they will have a good laugh
Thanks for the info guys sorry late reply i dont really go on the net Well i took the venture and decided to go with shrooms,, as i remeber hearing in fear of loating ' dont look for acid, it will find to you' and my mate after the op got a nice batch of p.cubes. i did literally too much research on this subject,, and im yet still to aquire real LSD not some shit dropped on paper.. but frankly i dont think ill ever get to try the sweet beauty of real lsd. anyways- bit of a trip report- i baught 2 grams of p.cube and 4 sticks of some pretty chronic bud decided to do them bymyself incase i wigged out on anyone i didnt want them the burden of seeing me like that especially if i said something ya know.... I drove to a nice chill spot 5 minutes down the road, good scenic place- forrest overlooking the water, as i herd youd want to be surrounded by nature, ate the whole 2 grams, and had about 10 cones as i waiting for them to take effect. I remember throwing my guts up after like the 7th cone thats when i saw a rainbow lorrikeet fly by at extreme speeds, then it like squaked as it went by but it was so slow, i could hear the wings flap,,,, thats when i punched another 2 cones looked in my rear view mirror saw my eyes and was like '''holy shit thissss isss heeeectiiik''' hahaha i then stopped smoking pot n continued to explore the forrest next to my car that leads down to this nice secluded beachy front spot that overlooks the whole bay, had a nice stretch and sat in wonder as to this is what real beauty feels like with patterns flying all around me, everything pixelated... etc Although i know i am off my head tripping, i didnt really feel asif i was on a substance, a couple hours went by and my mum calls me id say its about 3 hours in, telling me she just dropped my brother n sister off at home and when i get back i have to go get macdonalds for dinner for them. I somehow could keep my wits, and i dunno hey now this kinda spiralled down WHAT THE FUCK AM I GUNNA DO seeing as driving is deffffiently out of the question. Hahaha funny that but i saw the pot and just kept smoking- i had it in my head at the time that the pot will like sober me up hahaha..I had about 20 cones before it got like an hour after the call with my brother callin me to hurry the fuck up n get maccas,,, i was like fuck it lets just drive slow... its hard to explain i was in a sober mindstate, yet as i preceeded to drive it felt asif the trip just got started. ( this is where i think the pot kicked in and jumpstarted it) its not asif i was hallucinating seeing yogi bear n shit,,, but i tell you cars were turning infront of me as they went past, it scared the fuck out of me,,, and i honestly still think i died in that car. When i kinda came to realisation near maccas what the fuck i was doing- how i was going to approach this talking to people, constantly checking if my pupils undilated, thats where i kinda thought i died... cause if you think about it a kid trying shrooms his first time, driving, wigging, stupidly mistaking his mindstate as sober, felt a great shock run thru my body with force,,, literally asif something happend that was real bad.... when i realised this, everything suddenly became distored, crooked,, etc,, grabbed the family deal at maccas and just went home and tried to sleep the thought off, yet thats what i had in my head that if i go to sleep then the real afterlife begins.... but anyhow i wole uo fine the next day,,, and since then tried various shrooms, with different drug combos..hands down best combo is mdma+ pot after,- but i didnt know if it was just the whlle night that was so good catching up with long time mates,, at a rave, in the city,, man that was so good i wish i could replay that night over and over. I had a pretty bad anxiety attack whilst on shrooms NYE this year,,,(great way to start the new year hey) hahaha but it was my own stupidity, been on shrooms for a different kind of night, surrounded by coke heads, which one of them flipped out and attacked me- broke my chain then tried punching me in the face screaming at me tonget out of his house.... ended up wigging out, going home and watching the fireworks with my family.... suprisingly i could hold conversations better than if i was on another substance. Anywho cheers for the info and hope to try some real lsd soon. And by real i mean i know alot of older crowds who dont fuck around with their drugs, so best chances if they tell me its similar to the ones theyv had when they met this hippie who tried 'casting a spell' on them after purchasing them,, then its defiently some good acid..haha