What if the universe is really more shaped like we're ants in an ant farm, or just an ant farm out on a piece of land, where ants are farming. What if the biggest thing in the universe is actually the brain, and it imagines everything else in the universe, including your heavenly body. And it's a brane universe. And you, as in "your perception of yourself," actually are on the outside of the universe, just like your face is on the outside of your brain, which is protected by your skull and so forth
Wow! Can I have some of what you had? My thoughts are similar, we are a planetary speck of dirt, in a universe filled with giants. They run experiments on us under the premise of scientific investigation. They drop various characters on us out of the ether to test us, entertain us and make us grow. Sometimes they introduce a character to bring chaos and destruction as a special treat. (Thinking of Hitler, Trump, and the big BJ in Britain.) There you go, my two cents worth on a Sunday evening after watching Ru Paul on Graham Norton.
It's funny how when anyone says anything like this there is this whole joke about how they must be on drugs. But drugs are not the only route to deep/speculative/surreal thinking.
Drugs are the running joke, but you’re right of course thinking out of the box is important, which is why I listen to “The Portal” a Podcast hosted by Eric Weinstein who’s both a mathematician and a theoretical physicist. He introduces you into the world of advanced mathematics and to the cutting edge of theoretical physics that the layman can understand and expand upon.
It would explain why the universe keeps expanding (ok, ok; so does the big bang theory). Although... why are we not inside the universe in your theory exactly?
but why is it expanding faster then the speed of light that nothing can go faster then? but wait, if its expanding faster then the speed of light, how can we see it? and the scissors effect can only account for slightly less the doubling. there are many times as much to learn as everything we as yet know. what is a reasonably safe bet, is that no more of it is any more personal then most of what we already know either. deaux ex machina is cute, but not very cuddly.
I don't know. I was high when I wrote this. Nothing but good old marijuana. Give me some pot and I'll tell you more.
Every brane in this scenario is a mirror image of every other brain, due to the nature of the stuff that lies outside of the brain, or the dirt where the ants have made their rooms.
somebody should make number shaped robotic things with thick soft foam on the outside and fluffly cuddly fur.