Curious Cat in the NW

Discussion in 'Rainbow Family' started by Bobulon, Aug 29, 2005.

  1. Bobulon

    Bobulon Member

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    Seattle Area?
    Ive been doing a little research on Rainbow and I feel I'm to the point where reading wont accomplish much else. I feel as tho I need to make contact to understand further.
    So thus, my quest... Are there any tribes around the seattle area?
  2. soaringeagle

    soaringeagle Senior Member

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    hell yea there are, nw family is pretty strong check for lightlines or i thingk paiix did an amazing job of putting all relevent stuff like that in the sticky thread
  3. soaringeagle

    soaringeagle Senior Member

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  4. Bobulon

    Bobulon Member

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    Thank You soaringeagle (& paix) I called the portland number and hopefully I'm on my way to learning more. Gonna be mobile again soon and I was looking for others this time. goin' it alone on my first run was nice but touring can, from time to time, go by quickly and harshly when your by yourself it would seem. I do look forward to having the time to learn my violin and guitar, and there must be a way to play harmonica better than what I'm capable of.
    Rainbow is music friendly right?
    eh I'm ramblin' now, So I guess, is there anyone on these boards from the NW? Perhaps Im looking in the wrong direction?
  5. BraceYourEyes

    BraceYourEyes Member

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    long time resident of the NW here, north of bellingham. met a few rainbows on the road this summer, met some at festivals but never really been to a "gathering"- i would have went to nationals if i didnt have a bike race to participate in

    when you thinking of heading out, if youre goin? ill prolly stay here for the shurrroooom season but summer comes i got big plans :)
  6. soaringeagle

    soaringeagle Senior Member

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    rainbow is very very music freindly, but not very amplified music freindly.. but theres music in the air everywhere.. different sounds from different camps, all blending into one great heartsong
  7. Cloud69WA

    Cloud69WA Member

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    I would love to venture to a gathering. Im from Marysville, and I know many Hippies in surrounding cities (arlington, smokey point, bellingham.) If anyone is from around here I am a friendly hippy looking for brothers and sisters. Please leave a post if you are in the same boat as I am! loves and peace.
  8. Bobulon

    Bobulon Member

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    Im here in Everett brother, I hear ya! know anyone with a van? ^_^
  9. rosyposies

    rosyposies Member

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    Hmm, couldn't someone just ~make~ a gathering in the NW?
  10. soaringeagle

    soaringeagle Senior Member

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    there are regionas in the area semi often..just check welcomehere, or agr, or your local lightlines..but as for someone just making a gathering, without the backing of the regional council you'll just end up with a mess
    if your interested in helping bring about gatherings in your areas, just go to the regional councils & hope for concensus
  11. Bobulon

    Bobulon Member

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    Umm... You'll have to treat me like a dumb a$$ soaringeagle ^_^. what is welcomehere, agr? and the light-lines, is that the portland number I called? (no responce yet, but its only been a day or so) Thanks for the info and infinite patience it takes when dealing with shmoes like me.
  12. soaringeagle

    soaringeagle Senior Member

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    oh yea that waswa lightline..& the websites are & & agr is a newsgroup alt.gathering.rainbow
    just use netscape mail thingy to subscribe to it, or any other newsgroup thingy..or use a web based news thingy like dejanews
    it can be annoying tho, some people tend to bitch alot on there & complain about petty shit like spelling but if you sort through the bs it is a great resourse for rainbow info...i just havea low bs so i let other people deal with agr & wait for em to post the relevant info here.
  13. Bobulon

    Bobulon Member

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    thanks again Soaringeagle, for the sites of information. Washington seems to be a Black hole of Rainbow tribes online.
    whoa is me I suppose, and life be throwin' me lemons. Crap! I dont know how to juggle!!! ... is there more to be said?
  14. WanderingturnupII

    WanderingturnupII Grouchy Old Fart

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    m6m, the guy that focalized the 4Ums Cafe at California Gathering, is from up the in WA somewhere. m6m, you still around?
  15. m6m

    m6m Member

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    Yeah, is it Scott? Did you make it to this year's Gathering? I didn't, but I hear it was real chill (mellow).

    I'm still around, but I'm out on the Olympic Pennisula just south of Port Townsend.

    So I'm a little off the beaten-path and a bit out of the loop doing the almost wannabe organic Farm thing.

    But I am closer to things now than when I lived over in the Mighty Methow Valley.

    I wonder if I ever met anyone here on the Forums from the old Love Family out by Arlington in Snohomish County?

    I lived with them for a while back in the early '90s.
  16. cheshirecat

    cheshirecat Banned

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    I live in the Seattle area, and I can't find ANYTHING about Rainbow potlucks, regional gatherings, or anything. I'm losing it at this point. I might call the NW line as well. Maybe together we can get some information. How about it?
  17. cheshirecat

    cheshirecat Banned

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    After a year of searching for some form of gathering or potlucks or SOMETHING, I have found NOTHING. Nobody seems to know anything, and the lightlines don't seem to get back to you. If you know more than I, please fill this lonely sister in. I am not a bliss bunny as I do my work in order to have my fun. Even FLORIDA was better than this so called "cool" state. Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, because I would love to be wrong and go to these events once again. Even Alabama had an incredible gathering. The Ukraine has them, but WA. doesn't. Seems like somethings amiss here, doesn't it???
  18. Bobulon

    Bobulon Member

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    Ahoy Cheshirecat! sorry for the late responce here Ive been away from the boards. I just got off the Phone with the eugene OR. lightline fellah and it seems as tho you and I may need to take this thing by the nape of the neck and shake it ourselves ^_^
  19. cheshirecat

    cheshirecat Banned

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    If you haven't received the Rainbow Calendar for the next month, there will be a potluck right outside Seattle. The date has yet to be set because more interest needs to be shown by writing to I am really happy and honored to be having the first potluck for all of us who have written or called the lightline, saying they were feeling "displaced", and looking fior a welcome home hug. Please bring positive energy, a dish (vegetarian is your best bet), anything that makes music or contributes to it, even rocks to click together. Babies and children are very welcome. Please, no alcohol. This event is FREE, and is meant for all those who want to meet "newbies" and "elders". We can all learn from each other. This a casual gathering of people, not a huge party, as some people have thought. Hopefully, it will be a fun, casual learning experience for all, and it will not be the last. I am just the first to want to host one in my home. Please write the above address and let me know you/your friends are interested, and from where your coming, as maybe we can arrange car pools. If only two write, I cannot be sure about the entire thing, if one hundred people write, we will have to find more than one day to host the potluck. There have been over thirty people to call the lightline, and the calender of events just went out so we'll see. I'm hoping all my Seattle and surrounding area brothers and sisters are there. I need all of you!!!!
  20. Bobulon

    Bobulon Member

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    I just started a new job, so I dont know if I'll be able to find the time but good luck with all that.

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