From Microsoft Edge's Copilot AI... I sometimes strike up a conversation with the AI chatbot. This is what I said: "I love democracy like every unthinking American. But the accusation is we're imperialist; we try to make it our way everywhere without realizing the consequences; to culture, to values, to outcomes, and to societies." And as usual its reply was intriguing! I didn't learn this in school at all! and I think that's why it has my attention. And until I fell in love with someone from Kyrgyzstan, I didn't know what imperialism was...:
While I understand the concept, I'm not sure I understand your question. When you say "we" do you mean us as individuals? The US as a country or humanity as a whole? Also by "our leadership" do you mean elected officials? Or do you mean the exporters of pop culture like the film industry, preaching the gospel of American culture to worldwide audiences to the tune of billions of dollars? LOL you know what? Maybe the answer *is* that it's complicated. This is an interesting concept to ponder, but there is so much to ponder, it's overwhelming. I need to think on this a bit
The key word in your question is we. I would say that none of us in here and most of the rest of our citizens have any say at all in the events of the world. WE-- are swept along as mostly unwitting zombies just trying to get by in what has always been laid out for us and against us. AS Big Dan says in Oh brother Where Art Thou----"it's all about the money , boys."
I'll do my best to answer... When I had spoken against deciding to 'come out' I mentioned lots of things about the fabric of society. When we evaluate the behavior of our children, we assume some responsibility. Part of their metric for behavior comes from socialization in the family unit; things we teach them. I also gave a comparison that I think fits here. Carbon footprint... Does our nationality dictate that footprint to other countries? How does a carbon footprint effect the environment as measured in tons of carbon? How much behavior per capita affects others? To what extent do the laws in our venues determine the behaviors others adopt via osmosis? I'm suggesting here that our attitudes are contagious in that way and asking if we're responsible. Is our imperialism since we are an economically advantaged country part of our responsibility to others, like the behavior of the children of PTA members of a fourth-grade primary school? The parents of Rick and Janie want to know since our Joseph is smoking cigarettes after class and asking girls out at recess and lunch. When we produce a movie or lead the pack in how the internet is administered, and the legal environment doesn't censor content despite all efforts in radio, television, and every other medium, do we have responsibility for cultural imperialism? That is the poll's ask.
The bit about 'Modern' context is probably the most viable, but I liked everything in the description.