Crock Pot Brain

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by wooleeheron, Jun 16, 2024.

  1. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Human Neurons Are Stuck Between Shifting Phases of Matter, Scientists Say (

    They've known for decades that the brain does a drunkard's walk, resembling a phase transition, but this is the first study by mathematicians and others confirming all the evidence. Even the diversity of our neurons, in size and connections, resembles a pot of water getting ready to boil over, and the human brain is often called a "slow cooker", like a crockpot. However, unlike a crockpot, our brains are fundamentally quantum mechanical, and they are measuring how energy and information are interchangeable.

    The brain should prove to obey quantum entanglement, where harmony in diversity promotes greater creativity and efficiency, making organic life and consciousness indistinguishable. What powers the brain, powers every cell in our bodies, and everything combined expresses the Two Faces of Janus, making everything self-organizing, including human consciousness.

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