Crisis Acting In San Bernadino

Discussion in 'Conspiracy' started by Pressed_Rat, Dec 13, 2015.

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  1. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    I know people will laugh and call me a kook. Or they will just become outraged ("How dare people question this tragic event!!") and react by attacking me. It's one of those things that either you see or you don't. It's not just a fluke that these people are acting so uncharacteristic of someone who has lost a loved one or been through a traumatic event. With these crisis actors it's always the same thing.... no emotion or just bad acting (fake crying, etc.), people smiling or looking like they want to laugh as they tell their FAKE story, people fumbling over their scripted lines, people telling different stories from one interview to the next, etc. These people are paid lots of money for the role they play in these hoax events/drills which are passed of as real, which the government and its lapdog CIA-controlled media exploits to forward their agendas and give themselves more power over the braindead masses.

    Even if you think I am completely delusional and full of shit, which I am sure most of you do, how do you explain that at nearly every single one of these alleged mass shootings there is a drill going on at the EXACT same time?? In the first video from CNN this fact is reported. I guess it's just a coincidence, right?

    Also, who in their right mind goes on TV hours or days after something so tragic and horrible happens? If one of your loved ones was just murdered in a mass shooting, would you really want to speak to the media a day later? I guess maybe you would if you were going to be paid a large sum of money, but otherwise you wouldn't really want to talk to anyone, much less appear on national TV.

    I guarantee people will attack me without even watching these videos.

    Just don't forget to react, become emotional, and donate your money to these poor people.
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  2. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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  3. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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  4. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    Talk about the no spin zone [​IMG]

    You can take any random video, critique every word and facial expressions, toss in a little cynicism, and it will appear as if the witness is lying or is deliberating trying to mislead the public.

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  5. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Hahahaha..... What a kook
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  6. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    not to mention santa clause was seen in the back ground of one of the videos....that means it had to have been filmed last Christmas day...they use that day because everyone is inside their homes and they wont arouse suspicion with all the commotion
  7. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    I watched just the last video, I'm beginning to think the people who make these videos are the lizard people Icke talks about, that Lizard Aussie sounded like a Sadistic Piece of Shit. (I'm probably paraphrasing but was the quote "Take off the glasses, I want to see you cry?" WTF?)

    Oh yah and the clear evidence that guy is not a crisis actor, is the fact that he's wearing an Angels hat. No one attempting to pull off a deceptive stunt involving tragedy would be wearing an Angels hat, they mourn enough during the season.
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  8. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    Not attacking you but I just think you should probably offer more substantive proof than , "well they don't look like they're in mourning."

    Anyone who has ever grieved or watched another person grieve knows the reaction isn't always what you expect, especially in those first few initial days when you're still in shock and not even properly grieving yet. Plus no one likes doing it in public. Grief is a private thing.

    As for giving the media interviews, this has always weirded me out too - but as I understand it a lot of people grant exclusives to one media outlet simply to stop the daily harassment from all the other media outlets.
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  9. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    Also I went back and watched the video entitled "horrible fake crying crisis actor" and I don't think it looks fake at all . It looks like she is trying to hold her tears back and not have a complete meltdown in public.
  10. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    The problem is first you come to a conclusion, then you find the 'evidence' for it. But to most other people this evidence is just not that convincing indeed. So people don't think you're a kook for considering the possibility that there are crisis actors. It is how you bring it about: like it is certain. Often it goes along with the remark I can't be bothered to explain how it is so, you should find out yourselves (the ol' i'm not going to do your homework thingie). It is great when you add how you reached your conclusion.
    As you can see, to the far majority it just seems not very convincing. Even if others are willing to consider the possibility, where they lose you is that you are certain they were crisis actors because how they deal with their (supposedly artificial) emotions. It is not certain. I think that's for a large part why people lose patience with you and conclude you sound a bit kooky in these matters. We all should think twice about what we see and hear in the media (hey I 100% agree) but this counts at least as much for the online material you base your stuff on. Does this in any way make sense to you, PR?
  11. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor

    I'm not one to trust the media, nor dismiss any type of idea before I can dissect it deeply.

    But these videos just aren't proof of your theory, even to the most critical thinker. As someone else pointed out, the people who are making these videos are falling victim to the confirmation bias--finding evidence to fit their theories rather than constructing theories that fit he evidence.

    The accusations made by the narrators are just bad science!

    For anyone who has ever experienced the sudden death of a loved one, grief does not fit a single mold or serious of steps. I, for one, in the face of misfortune, often smile or laugh. I don't do this on purpose, I literally cannot control the reaction, especially when discussing my grief with others. I

    This statement from you was troubling:

    "Also, who in their right mind goes on TV hours or days after something so tragic and horrible happens? If one of your loved ones was just murdered in a mass shooting, would you really want to speak to the media a day later? I guess maybe you would if you were going to be paid a large sum of money, but otherwise you wouldn't really want to talk to anyone, much less appear on national TV."

    From what evidence are you basing this assumption on? Have you personally experienced a horrible tragedy and then were offered a TV news interview? Have you systematically studied how groups of people react to tragedy? My own anecdotal experience of death and people mourning loved ones is that some of the people are totally withdrawn and don't want to talk about it, and other folks just talk and talk and talk.

    I'm not opposed to dismissing this whole shooting as a sham, but it would certainly take some much better evidence and sounder reasoning than what these videos offered.
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  12. Emanresu

    Emanresu Member

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    So we are supposed to believe that these are paid actors, that the Government controlled the whole thing, and that these people were paid "lots of money"? If the government can do all of that then why couldn't they get decent actors? For me this argument doesn't even get off the ground.
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  13. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    I haven't watched your videos, but the only sources that I've found claiming that there were simultaneous anti-terror drills are from conspiracy theory web sites.

    Are you sure that CNN claimed that such drills were going on?

    Beyond this, if the government and the media have carried out this extremely elaborate hoax, why would they also tell about their coincidental near-by anti-terror drill? Wouldn't they just keep that a secret?
  14. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    The govt story is false , and the daily updates support it . You consume all
    absurdity , of theirs and your brother , and secrete protective slime . Yuck .
    There is no friction to halt the evil will . The deceiver has you , and this time
    it was so easy ... so easy .
  15. meridianwest

    meridianwest Senior Member

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    is it a coincidence that you happen to doubt every incident that takes place?

    if everything was as false as you make it out to be most of the population on this planet would be in on it. a lot of grand and costly effort would be put into hoaxing a few nerds in the back yard to see just how paranoid you can make them. yes, well worth the trouble for the rest of us.
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  16. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    The govt account of this incident is false . A hoax conspiracy theory also says it is false > and
    then , it is false without a hoax conspiracy theory . But from what I perceive I cannot construct
    a comprehensive conspiracy theory . I cannot imagine the motive for deception . The reality
    is too weird . Go sci-fi ... psy-ops cyclops , you are eaten . www.3
  17. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Oh FFS
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  18. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    I wish hippies were peace and love .
  19. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    never mind ... itsa sex drugs rocknroll . Bliss out .
  20. Ashalicious

    Ashalicious Senior Member

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    On a positive note, I now know what Crisis Acting is.
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