Crafty old McDonalds.

Discussion in 'Vegetarian' started by FrozenMoonbeam, May 17, 2004.

  1. FrozenMoonbeam

    FrozenMoonbeam nerd

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    Have they started selling salads, fruit and yoghurt anywhere else? Not that i would that from a place like Macca's (the smell there is so icky) - but it's interesting that they have had to make this "change for good" in order to keep competititve. But yeah, is this a world wide phenomena?
  2. ImmortalDissident

    ImmortalDissident Senior Member

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    Yeah, but the salads still have something like 500 calories. So really... if anyone looks into it, it is no better of a choice. Well okay, 450 is better than 1200.
  3. peacegal

    peacegal Member

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    In the US, McDonald's has a line of salads, but most if not all of them contain chicken or even ground beef. I read that one of their "healthy" chicken-filled salads contains more saturated fat than a Big Mac.

    McDonald's remains one of the worst fast food restaurants for vegetarian choices. Even Burger King has a veggieburger and Wendy's has both baked potatoes and a large Spring Mix salad which does not have meat.
  4. Megara

    Megara Banned

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    it really doesnt have much to do with staying competitive. It is to get tort lawyers off of their back so they dont get sued like the Tobacco industry.
  5. Pablo

    Pablo Member

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    yeh all their salads contain meat and look pretty withered in reality. I dont see why if you wanted a salad you would go to macdonalds instead of just buying some lettus and spinach.
  6. Enron

    Enron Member

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    I used to love their fries, i probably still do. From what ive understood there is still some animal fat in the deep fryer.
  7. interval_illusion

    interval_illusion Deceased

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    i just saw a commercial on tv tonight that if you buy one of their "premium" salads you get one of those things (i forget what they're called) that track how long you walked or jogged (for fitness)

    and something else like that too.

    man, they are trying to compete.


    they lost money for the first time last yr.

    tis great.
  8. ImmortalDissident

    ImmortalDissident Senior Member

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    Its a pedometer.

    I know a number of people who work/have worked at McDonalds and every single one of those people either don't eat their food, or have stopped eating fast food altogether. And I totally agree, when I drive down the street and the smell of the grease vats permiates into my car, I become outraged and then I vomit continuously hour after hour after hour. ...At least that's what I feel like doing.
  9. interval_illusion

    interval_illusion Deceased

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    hell, ill admit it, i worked there when i was 16 and 17. by the time was 20 i never ate fast food again.

    i never ate mcd's food after i quit there.
  10. ImmortalDissident

    ImmortalDissident Senior Member

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    One of my friends that works there eats lunch there every day. He has a salad and one glass of pop a day (which is like 400 calories alone). But even with eating the salads, he's gained about 10 pounds in the last month.And just because it's funny, I feel like sharing about the same friend that, he went on a three week backpacking trip in the mountains and lost about 25 pounds. He weighed 180 when he got back, and in 7 days, 7 days, 7 days! he gained 20 pounds!
  11. interval_illusion

    interval_illusion Deceased

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    what i cant STAND though (not talking about your friend at all!!)

    is these ppl. that sue fast foods chains cause they get fat. like they're not intelligent enough to know what they should put into their bodies.....

    then again, society today........


    most people arent.

    sad but true.
  12. ImmortalDissident

    ImmortalDissident Senior Member

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    I totally understand. I get outraged when I hear about those stupid cases.

    ...besides, my friend got fat off of mexican food.
  13. Oklahoma

    Oklahoma Member

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    Nah, I'm pretty sure they outlawed that. Have to have "vegetarian options", you know. But I think they do put some kind of beef flavoring in the fat, because they definitely taste different than other places.
  14. FrozenMoonbeam

    FrozenMoonbeam nerd

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    I think they have an all vegetable salad (not that i've been into a McDonalds in the last 3 years, so i wouldn't know). It just seems silly though, like why the hell would you go to McD's to buy an apple?
    If I was absolutley, gun-to-my-head forced to eat fast food though (and subway was not around) I guess i'd have to go with that. BK doesn't have veggie burgers here, in fact we are sadly lacking in the whole convience food for veg*ans thing. On my last trip to the supermarket there was one kind of tofu (plain, extra firm), one type of soy yogurt, two brands of soy milk and one type of not-meat meat. that's it - the entire pre-made veg*an range. And this was at one of the largest supermarkets in one of NZ's largest cities.
    It's a good thing i can cook. *grumble, grumble*
  15. interval_illusion

    interval_illusion Deceased

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    yah, frozen... the selection here in grocery stores isnt much better. in fact it seems very much the same.

    and getting fat off mexican food! lmao! just cause... i LOVE mexican food and i few times since i went veggie i got burritos with black beans, cheeese, avacoda, etc.... lettuce, tomatoe, blah blah. kinda fattening so i understand.
  16. ericf

    ericf Member

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    I love Publix... they have increased the variety of organic and vegetarian foods recently. They always had an okay selection but I would need to drive to the nearest whole foods store frequently to get some things. Not I only need to go up there for stuff once in a while. It is over 20 miles away and it seems like a waste of gas to drive there and back for small things. :)
  17. Summertime

    Summertime Member

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    I thought that McDonalds had announced their fries were vegetarian and then still cooked them in animal fat, or had to go back to it or something. (May just be a rumour, or just a British thing.) I won't even eat the veggie burgers from fast food chains, because surely they cook them on the same thing as the meat burgers? Plus they don't taste nice! Hehe.

    Summer. xx.
  18. DoktorAtomik

    DoktorAtomik Closed For Business

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    Mc D's can sell organic vegan lentil burgers, fried gently in olive oil over an open fire by Turkish virgins for all I fucking care. I still wouldn't eat there. The place stinks of death. You can smell it from a crazy distance. No other fast food joint produces the same stench. I dunno how people can go anywhere near the place. And that's quite aside from all the ethical issues which should stop you giving them your cash.

    Back in the day, we used to go to Mc D's to use their toilets. Whenever we were there, we were always very careful to never pour bags of ready-mix cement down their toilets and drains. Because that would've been wrong.
  19. interval_illusion

    interval_illusion Deceased

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    Back in the day, we used to go to Mc D's to use their toilets. Whenever we were there, we were always very careful to never pour bags of ready-mix cement down their toilets and drains. Because that would've been wrong.

    OMG, that's hilarious!!!
  20. Pablo

    Pablo Member

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    yeh there should be an odor controll law about them, there was this really nice park in omaha, and probably still is i just dont live there, where it had a stream running through it and all these trees, right in the middle of the city, and they built a mcdonalds next to it, after that, you could smell that putrid crap from all over the whole park, even though the park must have been about 1/2 mile by 1 mile in size. And it sucked cause i liked hanging out there and taking walks.

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