Never thought i'd be posting a thread about this shit but the opportunity arose so i've been fooling around with rock. I need help from people experienced for a better smoking technique. Not alot of info around the net. Im hoping Stoner_Oxy 80 or someone can help. Im trying to achieve my first bell ringer, then ill be happy. So here what i do; I have some good rock right now which i load into my glass stem, place the rock on top of my brillo screen on the end and melt it in. Then i try to smoke the melted coke without touching my Bic lighter flame onto the screen until the end of my hit. During this i am also moving the pipe from side to side.. After my hit i then hold it in as long as possible usually about 20-30 seconds and exhale slowly. But i dont seem to get that high, its like im wasting or something. Before i use to just apply the flame directly because i never knew the goal was to vaporize. Does anyone have any tips or better techniques? The only thing i can think of that might be wrong is my pipe is small only 3" long probably and my brillo screen is maybe not big enough to hold all the melted product. Any help/advice is appreciated. Also crack is a really shitty drug i know, im just trying to get a bell ringer and some better euphoria for my last hoorah for now.
not getting high from crack. mmks, maybe you should try not smoking it for a few hours, or the rest the day and then try.. you aint going to get nowhere chasing the first hit.. if your melt isnt turning white along the stem when it cools, your shit is garbage.. not all cocaine cooked to crack is going to give you ear ringers.. quality varies..
I cooked my own crack a couple of times. I felt horrible after smoking it. How can anyone enjoy that high? I just felt discombobulated and I couldn't even think, and was just all tweaked out, awful. Now IV on the other hand, is effing amazing! I have IV'd both powder coke and crack with a little bit of lime juice. The crack actually hits you harder than powder because it's more concentrated.
Crack is cheap. I make too much money to ever smoke crack. Let's get that straight. OK? We don't do crack. We don't do that. Crack is whack. --WHITNEY HOUSTON sorry, I couldn't resist...
WHITNEY HOUSTON fell into permanent "Crack Coma".. crack coma happens when user been up for 3-4days. unlike meth, the user can crash and they dont wake up for least 12hrs. Crack Cocaine is far less addictive than methamphetamine.. :mickey: Jerry he smoked crack and he aint so stupid.. or #2"]Wesley Willis - My Mother Smokes Crack Rocks - YouTube , this song ok, but I like Kurt Cobain song more..
If we're talking about Welsey Willis, RIP, we can't NOT bring this song to the table..."]Wesley Willis-Rock'n' Roll McDonalds - YouTube
my crackheads friends refuse to smoke crack with me because I play Welsey Willis on the stereo really really loud... more crack for me.. ::