When I go into a restaurant, I often push over my waiter while they are standing up, in the hopes of getting out of tipping.
You would think that with me living in the heartland of America and surrounded by cows I would have participated in such activities. I never have. I think I would feel bad. Besides that, those are big animals. I'd hate to just do enough to piss one off and have it attack me.
Can you go up to a 1400lbs car a tip it over? Its a myth/joke for us backwoods hillbillys that live in the small rural areas. They sleep laying down and yeah, You might catch one sleeping standing, But it is sure footed. You might be able to piss them off or knock over a bottle calf, But for the most part, Why mess with animals that do nothing to nobody! Id say you have a better chance of getting shot in a farmers field before you ever get his cow to flop.
Get some shoulder pads, helmet...get in that tackle position, get it from the front! And get someone to take pictures, be sure it aint ni 'bull' and you dont slip in no shit... Hate for you to be full of bull shit, lol
Speaking of farm animals...I want a pig as a pet. It doesn't even have to be a little one. I just want one. I fall in love every year at the fair and I threaten to steal one of the baby pigs. My husband says no He's such a fun hater.
Ruby, cook him some bacon, then say, you cant have it any more...put it in the bin, and say..your right, no pork in this house...lol
Hahaha yep. I know that. I even love big pigs like that. Aren't they cute? Awwww. They wouldn't scare my little punk ass dog. Hahaha.
As smart as they are, I bet they would be a super cool pet. I'd want a house built or modified to accommodate... would have to at least install a pig door...:crowngrin: I definitely would not want to have to maintain a piggy-litter box!
Why not? They could have their own room. Arnold Ziffle was the ultimate celebrity hog..RIP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdsJ0Lss9t8"]E! MOSTLY TRUE HOLLYWOOD STORY: Arnold Ziffel, The Green Acres Pig - YouTube
I've pushed a few cows around in my time. I especially like the big brown mama cows that give the big dirty brown cow look. You know the one. It's like -.- but cow faced. Yeah those ugly bitches. I love that look, it's so unimpressive... So I've been known to go nudge them with a 4x4 just to show 'em who's boss.