Scientists speculate that the Covid-19 lockdowns caused humanity to emit less radiation during that period. This in turn meant less radiation reaching the moon causing dramatic drops in temperatues in various places that were being monitored. We not only screw our planet, but the effects of our ancient technologies can reach beyond the moon. COVID-19 lockdown linked to dramatic changes on the moon
I am not in the least bit surprised. My theory is that the only constant factor in global warming is the entirely constant oxygen level in the atmosphere. During the industrial revolution, this was balanced by vast increases in marine plant life over about 100 years. BUT, as we decrease combining the oxygen with carbon to produce carbon dioxide, it will take a similar time to starve that plant life to death. Natures only way to correct it in the short term is via fire. Unfortunately areas such as California are paying the price and this is totally counter productive to all our efforts. Using large round figures this is glaringly obvious. As yet, no politician has found a way of converting my theory into votes, so the farce will continue. I discussed all this with Al Gore and he literally ran away. We had to cancel the seminar that he was about to host and I was in the dog house again.