Yes, it is longish. I listened to part of it while grading papers, hehe. You can skip the first five minutes without missing much. But different people will be interested in different aspects of the interview, so it's hard for me to pick out specific parts for others. I found some comments made around 43- 50 minutes to be interesting. If you are pressed for time, you might start at the five minute mark and stop when you lose interest. Somewhere in the first 20 minutes, Laurie refers to comments by a respected epidemiologist (or virologist?) from Hong Kong who predicted that 60% of humanity will be affected by the virus. That might well mean 100 million deaths. We have not seen such a thing since the flu epidemic of 1918, before the age of mass air transportation.
60% of humanity is one heck of a lot more than a mere 100 million deaths, depending on what one means by "affected". That percentage works out to over 4 billion people.
Another thread on this. It brings the tally up to 3 threads. Hey @ZenKarma can you please merge this one with the other two into a mega thread?
You failed to comprehend my statement. Being affected by the virus is not an automatic death sentence. The mortality of COVID-19 is, so far anyway, on the order of 2%.
People, people, people, what do Hospitals use to kills germs and viruses ??? - ALCOHOL !!! So what have I been saying on other threads ??? - Yes I add ALCOHOL (Brandy) to my morning coffee. It keeps colds and 'flu at bay and now may also keep COVID -19 away from me too !!!
This page may be of interest since it's being constantly updated : Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS There is a huge spike on feb., 12th but it is due to a change of standards doing diagnoses, where previous suspect cases have become diagnosed ones,as explained here: