Covered or on show?

Discussion in 'Genitalia' started by Fishface, May 18, 2014.

  1. Fishface

    Fishface Guest

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    Hi Guys.....

    Forgive me as I am new to this site and forums to be honest!!!

    I have a question to put to you all.......

    My wife says that she doesn't like to see my penis as it's unattractive, but covered up in pants / shorts etc is fine. To let you know, I am quite happy with how it looks, 8 1/2 inches uncut, fair girth and trimmed hair. I've been told by many in the past that it looks lovely, so am a little confused. There are no other complaints, just that.

    When I broached it she said that all women talk and no women want to see a mans penis as it's not attractive. But if they are covered and showing legs, tummy, chest etc thats great. I know we are all different, but EVERY women she talks to agrees?

    So throwing it out their to all you ladies.......

    Covered or uncovered? Attractive or off putting? Cut / uncut etc etc....

    All comments appreciated!

  2. Just_a_woman

    Just_a_woman Member

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    It really depends on the man. I love to see my husband naked and I love his penis. I ask him to show it to me and whenever he walks by naked, like after a shower, or while changing clothes, I ask him to turn around to get a good look. He's very handsome (to me).

    Talking about penises, when it is proportional to the man's size, it can be awesome. If it isn't proportional, I don't really need to see it. To me, external beauty is about proportions.

    Some penises are beautiful, have a beautiful shape. Some look a bit weird. Too thin, too small, they can be less appealing.

    Also, if the person is obese, there's a lot of fat around the groin and it doesn't look nice.

    If the woman is in love, she may overlook these details and find you the most handsome man in the world, no matter what.
  3. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    considering that EVERY penis on the internet is 8.5 inches, she probably just finds it boring.
  4. cowboys filly

    cowboys filly Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    I totally agree, my husband has the perfect body in my eyes, and I love every inch of him. We spend a lot of the time naked and I wouldn't want him to cover up.
  5. Sallysmart

    Sallysmart Raynstorm Serenade

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    It depends a lot on a lot of things happening, the woman and her view on penises, what she likes, cut or uncut, veiny or not, color. Long or short.
    It's about your wife, and what she sees it as visually and also what she sees it as while it's a part of love making. Yes most women love them as part of sex life but not always in the visual but look in a magazine and they all look awesome because they pick the best looking ones to display.
    I have seen some that look more appealing then others in all honesty, not that it breaks a deal but just like our face we are born with and our body shapes, some are attractive to some which may not be to others, if the penis, or Vag was exactly the same on everyone you'd still find some people didn't find them as attractive as others will, it's in the eye of the beholder totally. If our body shape or privates area is a turn off to our partner then we didn't make a right match and might be tolerating and maybe its about convenience instead of true love. But again some people are not all about the visual as much as they are about the turn on it gives in use.
    I have seen some man boobies that are quite attractive, (that's my visual eye candy with a little chest hair, and a nice ass) and some that were not as nice looking on another guy, but to me it's the guy that matters. The shape and look of the penis shouldn't break any deal because we are not the same in any way. As long as it does it's thing, offering pleasure and giving pleasure.
    If she can't enjoy it's look but can enjoy it's work then don't worry because there are so many things that come in play, just like some men might think the puss on his current GF is not as attractive as his X's but he enjoys it all the same.
    What's your sex life like? Does she hate to touch it? If so then she might have issues you are unaware of. Did she have a bad experience in her past? I sure wouldn't worry that she doesn't like the look if she makes sure it gets played with because she might be right, many women she knows might think the same but they still enjoy it.
    Also some women (like some men) are shy about nakedness when not in the moment of sex itself so maybe that's what's going on.
    For me I see everything about my guy long before I see his penis, it doesn't matter after that point what it looks like as long as it's part of our relationship and he is ok with my parts too. Never had any complaints so I am happy with what I have even tho there are likely a lot of people with better looking bits then I have in some guy's eyes, who cares as long as we made a match and are happy with each other.
  6. silk896

    silk896 Member

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    A penis is a penis.
    It's a wobbly pink (or whatever color) thing that sometimes is pointy, sometimes with a large (insert color) knob on the end.
    Sometimes it goes hard and stiff and points up.
    It has been known to spurt/dribble white stuff that not only leaks from us for hours, but tastes somewhere between foul and just okay. It also dribbles/squirts yellowish stuff that is invariable left on toilet seats and makes spots on jeans just after.
    It is usually something of immense pride to it's owner, although never in human history have so many mathematical lies been told about a single object (except maybe for fish who got away)
    it usually fits neatly into a female vagina, tightly into female and male botties and jarringly into female and male mouths.
    My attitude is "seen one, seen 'em all" ..... and I've seen quite a few.
  7. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    why would you marry a woman that doesnt like looking at your penis?....that seems counter productive

    GLENGLEN Banned

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    And Here's A BIG +rep From GLEN...:2thumbsup:

    Cheers Glen.
  9. Fishface

    Fishface Guest

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    Talking about penises, when it is proportional to the man's size, it can be awesome. If it isn't proportional, I don't really need to see it.

    Some penises are beautiful, have a beautiful shape. Some look a bit weird. Too thin, too small, they can be less appealing.

    Also, if the person is obese, there's a lot of fat around the groin and it doesn't look nice.

    Thanks For that.......

    I am not obese, and have seen a fair share of penises in my time, enough to know that mine is actually quite good looking if thats possible lol! Thanks for your answer, it makes me realise that maybe it's more about her than me!
  10. Fishface

    Fishface Guest

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    Good point Rollingalong!! Because it wasn't like that originally.....have we heard that tale before!?
  11. Fishface

    Fishface Guest

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    It's about your wife, and what she sees it as visually and also what she sees it as while it's a part of love making. - She likes what it does very much, I have no doubt about that, but if I'm honest she does seem to dislike the look of anybodies penis, TV, mags whatever. Occasionally liking mine or others visually when fully erect and sex is on the cards!

    If she can't enjoy it's look but can enjoy it's work then don't worry because there are so many things that come in play, - Easier said than done, because if you feel like your partner doesnt actually like to look upon you naked, there is an issue at hand!
    What's your sex life like? Does she hate to touch it? If so then she might have issues you are unaware of. Did she have a bad experience in her past? I sure wouldn't worry that she doesn't like the look if she makes sure it gets played with - Well said!! Now thats a point I never thought about and is probably the basis of all of this. To be frank, she rarely touches it, hand jobs are almost non existent even if I try to persuade, oral sex is a massive no no, although when we first met it was ok. I asked about this and was told that she only does it when I'm completely clean / almost sterile! Well fine, but I shower first thing in the morning, and last thing at night, EVERY DAY without exception. I take care of myself physically and hygienically but that doesn't seem to matter. I really am beginning to think the problem lies with her! Because now I think on it more, I can't perform oral sex on her unless she has just got out of a bath or shower, and even then its a rarity :beatdeadhorse5:
    Thanks for the input!!!!!!
  12. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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  13. LM2014

    LM2014 Member

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    To be perfectly honest, I agree with some of what she said. Penises are (generally speaking) not that attractive, especially when flaccid. When it comes to other men, I wouldn't want to see their penis. I prefer looking at muscular arms over a (another man's) penis any day!

    HOWEVER, I do enjoy looking at my husband's penis, especially when it's erect. (Our emotional attachment to a guy makes him attractive. My husband has a huge potbelly and while I don't drool over it (I would over a six pack), it doesn't bother me in the least. I accept him fully, potbelly and all.

    I think the problem is that she doesn't think yours is attractive. Yikes! That's a mean thing to say.

    My husband flashes me from time to time (erect and flaccid), and I'm not offended or find it unattractive. But he doesn't walk around nude, either. (We have small children, but he never did that before them, either.)
  14. Sallysmart

    Sallysmart Raynstorm Serenade

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    I might have to agree here, when they are not cut the skin tends to hang below the head some and looks like a point sometimes, unless erect. Not that they are, just how the skin looks because it's loose after the head I guess.

    And @ fish head
    Might even be a slight issue and maybe not a huge one, maybe just a visual thing. Only she could tell you but I have heard women say they look nice and some say they look ugly, not a far fetch when you hear some men say they have seen a puss that didn't look so cool.
    Everyone has their own penis and vag and altho the same in the physical sense they are very different looking. A lot of women don't like the looks of a chi pub guy with a little one for example. Even tho it might grow to be the best thing on earth. The mind is our control on how we see things. I have to admit, I like to look at a cut ones but the uncut ones don't look as nice in my mind. Don't really know why but it's what I seen when I seen them. Never seen a cut one that didn't look nice to me. But I am not shy to look at an uncut one either.

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