cops dont care about weed

Discussion in 'Cannabis and Marijuana' started by PITPAT, Sep 1, 2005.


    PITPAT Member

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    we got pulled over by the cops the other day and they brought a canine unit and searched our car. they found some weed and a pipe. the officer came back to us on the curb and said "next time tell me about the marijuana, it makes my job a lot easier" which i dont think is true, he still would have searched the car. but they didnt take it, they didnt even move it. all the cops care about out here are tweakers. im glad im just a stoner these days. things are so much saner, and the next time i get pulled over, i should be a lot more relaxed.
  2. outlaw immortal

    outlaw immortal Member

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    in the UK the cops don't care about weed as long as you don't flash it around, i know people who walk down the high street puffing on a joint and the cops just ignore them.

    they only care if you flash it around making it obvious what you're doing or if you're being anti social.
  3. Mac

    Mac Member

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    yeah well, you live in fucking california. i would get my ass busted in missouri...
  4. Trippin' Billies

    Trippin' Billies Senior Member

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    ^^ im in his boat lol, theres no middle ground, it seems, with cops around here... they're either dicks or cool
  5. peacelovebarefeet

    peacelovebarefeet BuRniN oNe...

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    well... here where i live, its a big meth place.. so they are really only caring about "hard" drugs and stuff... so when you are found with weed, they usually dont do a whole lot.
  6. omnip0d

    omnip0d Member

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    ya it's the same with cops here. they're really focusing on the tweekers and coke heads, and don't really care that much about the stoners. haha my friend got searched one time, and they found his bud. all the cop did was wave it around saying, "you know you're not supposed to have this right?" and my friend said "ya" and the cop just gave it back to him haha
  7. Colours

    Colours Senior Member

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    well if you live in a state in which weed is partially decriminilized, there are bound to be some incredibly lax cops.
  8. nesta

    nesta Banned

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    wow, i've never heard of cops giving the shit back to people or not taking it. i've known a few people where the cops didn't really care too much or didn't bust them with anything, but if they find the pot they still confiscate it at least. thats pretty cool....even giving it back to the guy.....

    well, if i was a cop, which i never will be, i dont think i'd bust people unless they were royally stupid or complete assholes. if it was someone say, 18 or over i'd probably give it back most of the time. if it was someone under 18 i'd take it but give them nothing more than a herbal warning.....i mean a verbal warning. i dunno.....thats wierd, most cops in the city dont care too much about pot, what with murderers, highway shooters, serial rapists, burglars and other nasty folks running around columbus every once in a while....but in the burbs or at the wrong place at the wrong time, cops don't have anything better to do that pick on potheads and kids. i can't say most of the people that get busted aren't asking for it, though, smoking blunts in parked cars with the windows up in public places in the middle of the day...things like that.
  9. WeeDMaN

    WeeDMaN a pothead

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    Only the young cops are assholes, the older ones ussually just take it away from ya and tell ya not to get caught with it again.
  10. phoenix88

    phoenix88 Member

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    You guys are so lucky. My friend got busted for having not even a bowls worth of shake in his car. He got a $400 fine, liscense suspended, 2 years probation, had to do community work, and go to drug and alcohol meeting things. Fucking shit...though that was the most harsh punishment any of my friends have had.
  11. outlaw immortal

    outlaw immortal Member

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    that sucks.
  12. jojoeyes

    jojoeyes kinda high

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    whoa musta been that time of month for that popo

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