This seems like an excellent solution to the problem of overpolicing :bobby: :2thumbsup:"]Spiritualized - Cop Shoot Cop part one
I think Jason Pierce the singer is referring to shooting heroin here…Which would be a better solution than the cops killing each other prolly…Imagine all those stoned cops changing the world with their love.I don't know maybe that's what you meant.I haven't played the song.What's it about?"]Cop Shoot Cop - Everybody Loves You (When You're Dead) - Ask Questions Later - YouTube
Yes.I believe heroin is the cure for all Mankind's evils,along with MDMA and Magic Mushrooms.Just let us have the fucking drugs man and leave us alone. p.s. I don't take drugs anymore.
Heroin is the source of a lot of evil. Putting them in the same category as mdma and shrooms is rather naive.
Why are there so many drug snobs when it comes to heroin? I agree though heroin can lead to some pretty evil problems.It all started when opium was made illegal during the Chinese opium wars.It is perfectly possible to smoke opium regularly and lead a relatively normal functional healthy life.It used to be available in English chemists until prohibition.Sherlock Holmes smoked it.Fictional character I know but still - he is a bastion of genteel English culture.I would still say that alcohol is worse for you than good heroin,when you know the quality of the stuff and what you're doing.It's just that alcohol is socially acceptable and heroin is considered very dirty.
The evility of heroin,or to be more specific the opium poppy,is because of the illegality of it,the crime,the dealers,the impurity of what you can score and varying levels of purity that you end up ingesting,the fucked up Afghanistan situation etc.In itself it is just a substance,no more,no less.
You're leaving out addiction. The reason I hold such a negative view on H is because I've watched friends wither away and die because of the hold it had on them. Other drugs don't take control of people's lives like heroin does. I've never heard of a functioning heroin addict. Even meth addicts can beat the addiction and walk away clean in some cases. Heroin addicts fight that battle every day of their lives even if they haven't used in decades. It changes your brain forever. I don't judge people for using it, but you need to respect the power it has.
Okay I admit I am playing devil's advocate a bit here.To be honest I've only ever chased H on foil, (quite a lot,but managed to pull out before real addiction set in) but it is very nice,especially if you've had the fucked up life I've had,and these are the kind of people that are susceptible to becoming addicts,be that H,alcohol or anything else that is "bad" for you.H is not glamorous and I'm sure the lives of reall IV heroin addicts can be very miserable at times.I know because my uncle was a heroin addict,and I know someone who is on methadone script.I just don't think it being illegal is the right solution,it just causes more problems,and I think alcohol is equally if not more of a problem.
I have Intravenously used heroin over a dozen times. Its all in the head of the user.. only addictive property is has is the asshole using it wants to be that way for sympathy, disability, or just a plain old loser at life..
I agree with this. But I don't think it should be legal on a recreational Otc level like it once was.