Hey :sunny: I'm very new to this forum pretty much and new to the hip culture. I want to expand my knowledge on the hippie subculture a whole lot more, but yeah this probably isn't the right topic category for that but I wish to know and get some ideas of what you cool dudes wear in clothing. I wear t shirts with my plaided shirts and Jeans.
Well I Can't Speak For The Other Members, But I Know I Am.... Topped 39c Here Today And Still 37c At 5-28pm.... Cheers Glen.
I didn't mean to seem ignorant by asking what clothes you guys wear and what you think clothes is cool. Nah its just that when I think of a hippie dude I instantly think of plaided shirts and that, sorry again.
Well, someone's gotta explain it, so here goes: Hippies wear whatever we want - or don't want. Sometimes I wear more stereotypical hippie clothes because they're comfortable and I like them, but not because I give a damn what other people think of me, and certainly not to keep up an image - as has been said, it's not a costume, they're just clothes. I have some homemade stuff, or sometimes I just do shorts or sweat pants and a t-shirt - I have quite an affinity for orange v-necks. The day you see me in formal dress is the day pigs fly (without the aid of catapults or hallucinogenics) As for you, you should really do some reading - maybe visit the hippie section and read all of those "Am I a hippie/define what is hippie?" threads before making such assumptions as to think clothes truly matter in the grand scheme of things. Anyway, as you're new to this all, welcome to the subculture, though it looks like you've been around in the forums for a while
Natural fibers, definitely. A good part of hippy culture is reducing the impact you make on the earth, so clothing that is biodegradable is better. Second hand. Again, reducing impact. What is or is not currently in fashion is kind of irrelevant, and whether it was made for a woman or a man is secondary as well as long as you are comfortable. Do it yourself. I still see the occasional vintage mag from the beginning of the hippy era where many a crafty looking model came with weaving, knitting, crochet, macrame, or sewing tutorial. If you make it yourself, you know that nobodies human rights have been violated in the construction. Simplicity. Many of the earliest photos of the hippy culture as it emerged include garments that would not be out of place on a peasant farmer for centuries running. The clothing would be designed to be comfortable, durable, and easy to make in a short amount of time because there were still fields to tend, children to teach, livestock to feed and clean up after and building to be done to prepare for winter. Minimal cutting would be favored to get the most out of cloth that would be hand woven to keep it as strong as possible so the garment would not need to be replaced for some time to come.
No angora or silk? Your closet is weak. Go hit a thrift store right now. And check the bedding section. I found a silk sari, hand finished and straight out of India hiding in the Good Will curtains. All those yards of sheer silk for only $6 because nobody knew what it was, when a fabric store would charge $60 or more for the polyester kind that's nearly impossible to tie.
You have plenty of choice in T-shirts, but it's up to your choice that what kind of T-shirt do you like to wear, like you see a vinyl print T-shirts, embroidery design T-shirts and if you have see now a day’s rhinestone affix T-shirts are very classy.