To be frank (and how else can one be when discussing hot dogs) To be frank, I'd be more impressed by a method to use thermite to actually cook a hot dog, rather than simply adding hot dog to the list of things that termite can destroy. Thermite produces a great deal of heat, but how to apply that heat so it can penetrate to the middle of the dog without making the outer portion inedible. That would be impressive. The most that one can say about this engineering is that it is creative.
Its the only way to make them Edible ! I made some thermite at work the other week It was hard to get it going But Impressive once its burning ( could have been my mix though )
Can you send it back to the kitchen to have it cooked a few more minutes? Oh, and I agree with Tumblingdice - what's up with ketchup on meat?
do hotdogs really fall into the "meat" category? anyway, ketchup is good on lots of meats. not a nice steak, for example, but it goes pretty well with things like hotdogs, hamburgers, meatloaf, even pot roast. actually, i can't think of any non-meat item that benefits from ketchup.
I agree with the meatloaf, but I only eat it with ketchup because most around where I live cook it with ketchup on top. Actually when I used to eat fast food, I never complained about it being on my hamburgers either.