Video of cookie waking up pig. But first, a Happy Fun Ball type disclaimer: This thread does not intentionally refer to any HF members (living, deceased, or yet to be born) with the words 'cookie' or 'pig' or both in the usename or to any members currently participating in threads concerning cookies and/or pigs. Nor does it intentionally refer to anyone who overeats cookies and who might mistakenly think that the intent is to label them as a 'cookie pig'. This thread assumes no responsibility for any damages that may occur subsequent to its posting and its possible closing or deletion including but not limited to grand mal seizures, myocardial infarction, or a desire to date Richard Simmons. This thread may contain subject matter or make references to substances that are known to the state of California to be hazardous to one's health. Ask your doctor if this thread is right for you.
Damn.......Does Anybody Else See What I See..???.....Every Time I Check Out The New Content Lists I See This One As Reading......"Cooked Pig"......Then I See A World Full Of Bacon Strips. A Question For My Fellow Members......Does This Make Me A Bad Man...???.... Cheers Glen.
I'm reporting this thread because you used the word "cookie" and I'm not eating a cookie, but I sure would want one. :unsure: