This might sound a bit abstract, but the continuum mechanics it refers to can provide descriptions of things such as black holes merging, plasmonics, and other quantum mechanical effects. Its a type of pattern matching mechanics with resultant emergent effects and this article demonstrates a particular emergent effect nobody had predicted because, of course, emergent effects are scalar and unpredictable except using pattern matching and some patterns are still too large for computers to crunch the numbers and physicists often use simulations of quantum processes instead. Something like a plasmonic cpu or neuromorphic chip would also be ideal for experimenting to see what other emergent effects are possible or, of course, a full scale quantum computer. Sometime ago I posted another link to an article on the discovery of how plasmonic waves can be manipulated to produce four rudimentary patterns or geometries that can be combined in various ways to produce whatever kind of patterns they might support. It is, of course, related to the poem I just posted called "Wavy Gravy Soliton Waves Converge" and illustrates how differentials can be every bit as important as integrals and are ultimately indistinguishable in specific contexts. It also illustrates how nature being analog displays self-organizing principles that are destined to be fundamental to the next scientific revolution based on systems logic only now emerging from the digital revolution recently approaching the number crunching capacity of the human brain. You could say the next scientific revolution has had to wait over the last century until we developed the tools to properly explore relativity and quantum mechanics for a better grasp of the truly Big Picture of infinite karmic universes converging within the singular void. That's because both theories are accurate to parts per billion. Geometrically, infinite universes or dimensions converging would resemble a snake on the event horizon of a black hole vanishing and emerging from all six sides and eating its own tail as the law of identity vanishes down the nearest convenient rabbit hole or toilet. What is the context and what is merely content becomes debatable at some point making pattern matching the only way to predict what might be coming next and whether space is time or what. Because of the indeterminacy in space time whether anything is coming or going or what the fuck becomes a matter of opinion and Socrates said the only thing he knew was that he knew nothing. Due to indeterminacy everything should ultimately turn out to be both infinitely divisible and indivisible like an electron wave and particle, here, there, and everywhere everywhen. Whether the universe is ultimately unified or not always remains a matter of the greater context and quantum indeterminacy expresses both stagnant juxtapositions and flow dynamics.