Conservation Law Defied

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by wooleeheron, Jan 31, 2024.

  1. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Research team demonstrates robust light propagation in open systems (

    The conservation of mass and energy is a famous conservation law, another is the Fine Structure Constant, and the Hubble Constant but, they've all turned out to be questionable, and even Pi has turned out to not be random and, instead, obeys a multidimensional multifractal equation, or Fractured Fairytale Equation! This is the first evidence that light can propagate in a noisy environment, without any loss or gain. You could say the researchers designed an optical obstacle course which was equally bumpy and smooth, both amplifying the light and suppressing it in equal measure, and making the light go round in circles.

    Quantum mechanics are a collection of five theories, that don't agree, but their mathematics are equally accurate and precise, whether you assume everything is random or fated. What all this means is that physical reality is fundamentally self-organizing, and they are now beginning to describe the topology required to promote self-organization. For the light to go round in circles, without any loss, it must possess both humble efficiency and elegant simplicity, in greater complexity. My own work merely focuses more on the role of the observer and pattern matching. The work has applications in things like anti-gravity and room temperature superconductors.

    Think of gravity as simultaneously a geometric effect, of crap rolling downhill, and a force, that acts over a distance. Once you comprehend the geometry, you can produce a sort of filter for gravity, that also amplifies anti-gravity. Gravity can be thought of as simply the lowest possible energy state, and once its measured, you have the topology, but the topology is based on pattern matching, and only produces closed systems like this one without it. The LISA gravity telescope is getting ready to launch into space, and will bring them all to their fucking knees.

    Without pattern matching, physics becomes mental masturbation. We have explored the limits of describing the universe in causal terms and, by default, pattern matching is becoming the only way forward.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2024

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