Conquer the world

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Coleco, Feb 28, 2014.

  1. Coleco

    Coleco Member

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    So... I got an interesting question. Do you all think that if the developed world united in some way(not neccessarily under some single global empire. Forget about some kind of "globalist" arrangement for this discussion) that perhaps it would have the strength to, for the first time, conquer the entire world???
    And I have another interesting question. Though the means are very morally questionable, were we to just go on and do it would it not relieve a lot of drama and bullshit?
    Think if we had a napoleon bonaparte in charge of each of the developed nations. But lets take these hypothetical bonapartes and add this majorly important personality trait: They aren't getting off on the thrill of war itself, or the process of conquering the world, they simply want the world, and once they have the world they will be satisfied enough and be perfectly happy to rule the world once it is acquired. They will be perfectly ok with taking down their nukes and weapons of mass destruction not because they are "peaceful" people, but because they just dont make sense anymore. They instead will have paramilitary police, and drones stationed all across the world to maintain order.
    Do you sometimes think that maybe this is possible, and that many people in power would like to do this but are afraid to do it because they are afraid of being accused of being control freaks, megalomaniacs, or dictators? I mean, anyone today who was open about this sort of plan would be voted out of existence. Bonaparte, and all the other conqurers of ancient times could never succeed in today's political environment, at least thats the way I feel.
    People that are capable of ruling the world this way... are really not kind people. BUT! They know how to get shit done. Life would be troubling in ways for citizens under this kind of rule... but think about all the drama it would save us. People like napoleon and I guess the politicians in the old roman republic were, from what I hear, pretty much alright with petty personal freedoms. Probably wouldnt give a shit about your religion, beleifs, opinions, and wether or not you liked to get wasted or high over the weekends. May not even care if your a bum living under a bridge because your a lazy ass. Just so long as you arent disruptive or get in their way...
  2. jaredfelix

    jaredfelix Namaste ॐ

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    IMHO this sounds like its happening now, and the people doing it, masons, illuminati, what have you, do know how to get it done. But I for one dont think its for any sinister reasons. These people are all working together along with many other secret societies, so they obviously have contact with higher being to help lead us in the right direction. theres no way this many people could survive on the planet today if they havent done what they have already.. There is a master plan thats been in the works for a long time and yes the goal is a new world order. and it would be a better thing! humanity working together as a collective whole, doesnt that sound like our next spiritual evolution? they know what theyre doing, it may not always seem like the right thing but , like God, you cant understand how somethings that seem evil are really for the greater good.
  3. Individual

    Individual Senior Member

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    WW III in the making?

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